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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Dinny, if I get you in the HC holiday exchange I know what to buy you for Christmas....
  2. Scott, hoping your Dad receives treatment for that ailment, yay Vicki's Dad and glad to see your Dad is improving Al.
  3. Best wishes Dusty and wishing a speedy recovery for your mum.
  4. Finished the Kistler Chardonnay and now on to Kristine Ashe's Entre Nous Sauvignon Blanc, awesomely delicious! Though not cheap, this Sauvignon Blanc is a tremendous value in craftmanship and quality. The winemaker Philippe Melka is the Tyll and Justine of winemaking.
  5. fToasting Tyll's birthday with a *disclosure* actually not the Les Noistiers because I am saving that for another time which really means i can't find it in my locker so I am having the Sonoma Coast now.
  6. Funny, I think I live in your alternate universe, I live my life the same way and those things happen to me all the time. Now having said that, I never missed any of my three children's ultrasounds. I may have OCD but i don't have a death wish.
  7. /\ /\ /\ /\ this (rant post script)
  8. just two words> cubic zirconia
  9. Maybe Jacob has a spare he can send you?
  10. Glad things ultimately worked out for the two of you.
  11. Happy Birthday to the InnerFidelity Kahuna!
  12. Shame on all of you guys for believing anything you read or hear in this environment. Whether it be Bill Gross, Warren Buffet, Soros or Meredith Whitney, they all talk their book so what you read or see as their "opinions" are really only there to mask their real plays in the markets; they basically don't know jack about where the market and rates are headed they just know where the herd is going in the short term because they are orchestrating those moves to make money. Don't let yourselves be manipulated.............(end of rant)
  13. Moar 2007 Peter Michael Les Pavots, much better today I really like this stuff. Preparing for tomorrow when we leave for one week at the beach in Laguna, Yah, pizza and wine for the week! There will be no snake photos but there may be a few seal, dolphin and shark shots to keep my Marlin Perkins thread alive.
  14. Ric, Just out of curiosity, who sent you the email declining to refund your deposit? From my limited experience and observations there is one or two people at JH that are not as customer service savvy/ amenable as perhaps Jerry would be...... Just sayin' So the consequence of me reading Ric's post as well as other "issues" I have read is that I am more inclined now more than ever to wait to make a purchase once I know all performance and service issues have been handled satisfactorily. I can't help but think that as a manufacturer, Jerry would want a healthy amount of early adopters not a population of "let's wait and see what other problems pop up" customers.
  15. Our condolences to you and your family Larry; and yes be there to support your wife and children during this time, and yes be careful not to compromise your own health.
  16. 2007 Peter Michael Les Pavots, nice blend and very Meritagish.
  17. Just returned from LAX after dropping my daughter off for a one week service project in Costa Rica. This will be a great opportunity for Emily and a few classmates to be totally immersed in another culture speaking Spanish exclusively, helping with service projects and tutoring children in a small village. A good way to prepare for HS senior year and starting those college applications. We are already missing her. :
  18. Bought a set of tires for Mary's sport ute, just realized that the bill for four tires, balancing and alignment was more than the mortgage on my first house. So it only seems right that I bought a case of Kistler Pinot. Dinny and Ken are invited to the fall arrival and debutante ball.
  19. Whoa Shelly! Allagash Curieux, nice and creamy, me likey. Decided to BBQ some hot dogs and no wine I have seems to go with BBQ grilled hot dogs. Some people recommend Beaujolais but the Duboeuf Beaujolais I have doesn't go with dogs, Allagash does. *edit* WTF is up with spell check? Is spellcheck using a Polish dictionary? All my spell checked words come up incomprehensible.
  20. A is a happy monkey.
  21. With or without the third degree burns? 2007 Signorello Padrone, oh and happy birthday to Antonio.
  22. Happy Birthday Antonio!
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Wow, a 2 inch gash is gnarley, hope she heals well and with little to no pain.
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