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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Nat King Cole And His Trio After Midnight The Complete Session
  2. This /\ /\ /\ X2
  3. When does "need" ever matter here or at my place? spliting them with a cleaver is more fun than cutting them with a chef knife. I split the whole chickens, the free range ones seem to be harder to split ergo the cleaver, rub them with salt and rosemary and lemon place them flat in a 12 inch iron skillet then place another skillet on top with a medium sized rock then put them in the grill for a couple of glasses of sauvignon blanc.
  4. Don't forget the garlic, basil and Oregon Pinot. Or go brandy raison carmelized onion reduction and.............Zinfandel or Cabernet Franc.
  5. I probably should get one since I rarely use my cleaver. I am planning to try a tandori chicken receipe soon as an excuse for my bi-annual cleaver cooking show. One of the rare opportnities to swing that four pound cooking tool and impress the family. One, two or three of Al's manhattans prior to spliting the chickens would definitely amp up the event.
  6. Do you have a cleaver to go with the deba and gyutos? I don't remember you ever mentioning one.
  7. What? Where does this fit in in your collection?
  8. Oh, and that bike of yours won't need to be cleaned nearly as often as indoor rollers at 2am (AFTER THE FEEDING) generate almost no dirt or water spray. Congratulations! Sorry for the bad news Raffy.
  9. Macbook Air 13" for the casa augsburg homework club, with Microsoft Office because our son's school forces us to remain tethered to the evil empire. Oh, and a bunch of Macbook thises and Macbook thats..............
  10. Your welcome Your welcome.
  11. Augsburger

    Turn Me On

    http://www.marecordings.com/main/default.php On might be inclined to think "new age" and they would be wrong. World music would be the closest genre definition I could come up with but these are gifted artists and the sonics are pretty spectacular IMHO, on par or better than the EMC stuff which I like as well. Some of the Argentine musicians take some time to get used to, unless of course you spent some time hanging out at Plaza Florida in Buenos Aires, but they make really cool music and it will turn you on.
  12. Mmmmmmmm,the force is strong this evening.
  13. Just for clarification to my prior posts. I intend to use my new MBP for surfin' the nets and helping my son do his homework nothing else, and the disc drive will only see audio cds, nothing else.
  14. Seriously man, it seems like just yesterday I was in your and Nate's shoes. Time flys way to f' in fast.
  15. This /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ again and a Ojai Santa Barbara County Pinot
  16. Pics or it didn't happen.................. Good luck Peter and have fun.
  17. Two round trip tickets LAX to BOS for Mary and my daughter to go college touring. My baby's growing up.
  18. Get well soon Dinny. I was going to post a joke but thought better of it.
  19. Valdez Landy Vineyard Petite Syrah, voluptuous and detailed. I need some leg of lamb to go with this.
  20. Heh, Larry may be a huge dick but he buys hisself cool boats with all that Oracle monay.
  21. With all those sharp knives he can make room!
  22. Sell the Audio Aero and buy a good "new technology" MP3 player instead.
  23. Well as an interim step up why not connect a 1080 HDMI TV to the MBP? Thirty two inchers gor for < $400, is the MBP graphics card the bottleneck here?
  24. Posted by the man with a gazillion chef knives that all do the samething................CUT STUFF. Question--- are you registered with Cutco for your wedding gifts?
  25. X2. Now stop, your are giving me bad thoughts...........................
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