In honor of Al's recent acquisition, good til November 1, 15% off on Quality Record Pressings LPs (Chad Kassem).
Use coupon code LAOCS If anyone asks, yes you are a member of the Los Angeles/Orange County Audio Society----even if you live on the east coast.
You have vinyl??
Nicely done Al, color me jealous. Not only does the Clear Audio record cleaner work great, is not as noisy as the VPI, and it looks very awesomeness.
1998 Kalen Semillon. I noticed the cork had some leakage and broke apart as I opened the bottle so figuring the wine was oxidized I poured half of it over my chicken marsala and in another pan a chicken with cajun and chinese mustard sauce. A bit pre mature on that move as the wine tastes fine, a little too much oak but not bad. silly me.
Mikey that must have been some meet, nice selection.
Ksyrium/SRAM rules, perhaps some day soon for me as well but we need to kick up our daughter's college fund since the "lump sum funding" plan we put into place years ago would work great for nest year when she enters college..........if the year was 1964.
That post would be like Jacob posting "I bought a knife". Details? Carbon fiber, total weight, Campy or Shimano and did you sneak in any SRAM components?
Enquiring minds want to know................
Too bad you can't take your JH13s in with you when you have the MRI procedure. I felt like I was stuffed in a torpedo tube with a couple of bongo playing chimpanzees when I had mine. Good luck anyway Shelly.
Woohoo! Just received a FedEx delivery notice, so I went to my front door and found a box from Acoustic Sounds. I had no idea FedEx delivered as late as 8:30pm.
I know it is a bit early but...............................any listening impressions?
Have fun you collective knuckleheads! As with voting in Chicago, post early and often.