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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. ....or for Steve, "There's no place like Nome, there's no place like Nome. http://maps.google.c...ved=0CEoQ8gEwAg
  2. The RVG version Sonny Rollins Volume One
  3. Good luck, I hope your head dosen't explode.
  4. 2003 Dalla Valle Cabernet.
  5. Happy Birthday mah man!
  6. Had a nice dinner last night with some friends, the husband being a Sony exec and as always he gives us a few tidbits about new Sony films in the pipeline. One in particular is titled Arthur Clause and I instantly thought of Wayne, loosely based on the HC Clause but ya never know. Shelly, the passive motion machine and iceing made a huge difference in my recovery from ACL surgery. Ten days on crutches and only two weeks off from the bike, and no drugs. Good luck on your recovery. I recommend if you start to have more pain, buy more new gear. Worked for me.
  7. As I recall the Illustration is more Bordeauxishlike for a Cali Merlot, so Illustration may be the Cali Merlot gateway wine for Bordeauxphiles. I prefer Bodeaux but the California Cabs deliver to my office.
  8. Dinny, you like? Are you on their mail list too? And lastly, have you tried their Illustration? Enough questions for now, go back to drinking.
  9. Augsburger


    For you Keith Jarrett fans (both of you)---- http://www.ecmrecords.com/News/Special_Offers/Special_107_Jarrett.php
  10. Let me know what you think of the Esoles insoles, I saw them recently when buying bike socks but not knowing anyone who had them I decided to wait for a while. My bike shop no longer stocks Sidi so I will be looking at another brand made with lots of carbon fiber, I never liked the aesthetics of the Shimano shoes before but the few he stocked felt pretty comfortable. What the heck, carbon frame, stem(?), seat post, handle bars and even sunglass frames, I just need to upgrade to carbon wheels and shoes and then I will be complete.
  11. Nice, I have that as well.................... but in vinyl and the TT isn't set up yet. You likey?
  12. The RVG version------ Trying to make time for more music listening, last night was the first time with HPs in about six months but it was a little disappointing. My rig did not sound as good as I had remembered, then again it was the first time I had heard the new Coltrane CD so hopefully that was the reason for my disappointment and not upgradeitus setting in.
  13. New biking bib shorts with matching jersey......................now for the new shoes.
  14. Right after Gene first posted about Hamad and the Pioneer renovation I sent Hamad an inquiry and he responded right away. Not sure about your experience but I would be patient and try calling him again.
  15. Whoa, you really are turning into Santa. Great job, you seem to have covered every detail. I guess the north pole Santa training seminars did work!
  16. Approved!
  17. Shelly I think I was referring to the new Arete, the KGSS and (your post op) Blue Hawaii. then again I am not sure since that was a long time ago, 25 hours at least.
  18. Antonio! Shelly, wishing you a speedy and painless recovery, enjoy evaluating all those new toys and please keep us posted.
  19. Ah, I think I found the trifecta of bacon-- /\ /\ /\ /\ plus http://www.thrillist.com/links/2361217/aHR0cDovL2JhY29ubHViZS5jb20v/direct?utm_content=exhort1_link&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Nation&utm_campaign=11.15.11+NATION%3A+Baconlube
  20. Shelly, you are very close to completing the trifecta, may we suggest something for you?
  21. Nice score Mikey! I just received the same, didn't know you were on their list.
  22. Or one Shigefusa katana, let's go shopping!
  23. Win all around Shelly! that Apex looks great and I bet sounds even better. Is that a Reidel glass cradling the Apex Cab? All the proportions look right.
  24. Dinny, I hope I am not too late---- resist the (hu) man!
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