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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Heresy! l plan on picking up a bunch of champagne on friday for next week's daily celebrations and the meal and my horoscope dictate the grape.
  2. 1979 Bas Armagnac cuz I ran out of Chardonnay.
  3. Congrats! X2
  4. Yeah, I got your "smile for Santa" right here buddy.
  5. Yep, I heard the vinyl in Klaus' Audessy RMAF room a few years ago and immediately went out and bought it, great stuff. Since my TT isn't set up yet you will have to serve as my audio proxey.
  6. Peter Michael Belle Cote- Mikey influenced me on this choice this evening. The Belle Cote is like Minka Kelly, young and lush.......
  7. Augsburger


    I think there are some Sonyphiles floating around. Sony NEX-5K for $449 use code NEX50 http://tx.sel-email.sel.sony.com/hostedmessage/message.aspx?2117822.10472391.3995357528.4473
  8. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ "The Tyllinator"
  9. I think it's called Malibu vineyards....... you've had much better wines I am sure.
  10. Where did your entourage sit?
  11. I should have known that. We used to take Las Virgenes/ Malibu Canyon on our bike rides as Kanen is dangerous for cyclists. Las Virgenes never looked that good you have a very nice eye,
  12. Luce Brunello di Montalcino. Much better than the bottle I had last week, hard to imagine they were from the same batch and year. I just renewed my subscription to the Brunello fanboy club. Good but not awesome, hopefully that will change for the better in two hours. Cheers all! Getting better, still not awesome yet.
  13. If I were you I would shop for a bigger place. Priorities ya know..................
  14. Looks very familiar Jeff. you are in my neighborhood. Is that Kanen road? Very very nice. It is obvious you are shooting the canyons in the winter, were it July there would be no green or clouds.
  15. "Did ya hear, Stax was sold last week for peanuts" "So your telling me that instead of going to Toys-R-Us your Daddy took you to Danny Bs swap meet? I need to talk to your Daddy" "Ya wanna trade? Two kids for your choice under Santa's tree"
  16. Augsburger


    Logitech 20,25,and 30% discount, use code ayvjz689w Website has details
  17. Going downhill only.
  18. Tax avoidance management ? Something important was definitely left out of that news release. Perhaps patents, IP or assets were not included in the sale but the article assumed they were included.
  19. 536.42= $846,488. So either I read you wrong or the conversion factor is wrong. Either way I would think more stax cans might create more opportunities for Justin and his BH and BH lite. That is assuming the new Stax company dosen't flood the market with a line of new stax amps.
  20. You just described the bag of laundry I just dropped off at the cleaners.
  21. /\ / \ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ this and I would add a few Ma Recording CD's to that list is well. Al, as usual is dead ass right on this one, I would avoid giving any retailer a second chance after a failed "new product". As my very own life coach and "thought leader" once said---- "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"
  22. Cyrus Chestnut-The Dark Before the Dawn
  23. Toasting Vicki 2007 LaJota Howell Mountain Cabernet, thoughts are with you.........
  24. Mikey, you have very good booze connections.
  25. Congratulations Auntie Shelly!
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