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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. I came here looking for Monster Beats headphone reviews.
  2. Your company and beer guidance would be more than enough. In 2013 USC plays ND at South Bend, wooohoo!
  3. Will grade finals for beer.......................... just sayin'
  4. I always wanted to wear my iguana hat to the Dodger games too.
  5. Mine is on the operating table right now after five months in the que. I am getting antsy to set up my retro home office vinyl room. Pioneer 1010, Philips 212 TT and DCM Time Window speakers. Woohoo!
  6. The last pic reminds me of a Carlos Santana album cover.
  7. .............then again, visit to Notre Dame means detour to FFF! Win win X2! Thanks y'all.
  8. BTW, Emily declared Notre Dame this weekend. Glad to have the drama end and now trying to get my head around the fact that my baby is growing up and will be leaving home soon. Gonna be tough when USC plays Notre Dame this football season but oh well I guess one can say win win either way.
  9. Gene, it has been so long I forgot what you looked like. Thanks for the refresh. I am lining up my drinks for tomorrow's Cinco de Mayo/moon perigee combo celebration. This convergence won't happen again for many years; about as long as it will take for my kids to finish paying off their student loans. Toga and blender are at the ready.
  10. We were in South Bend last week............same scenery, different spelling.
  11. Sorry to hear about your scary experience Al. Hang in there my friend, I am thinking of you and your family and wishing you all strength and peace.
  12. Sorry I missed this earlier Dr. KG, HAPPY Birthday!
  13. Congrats Larry, well done! Congrats for your daughter and wife as well.
  14. Sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you and your family.
  15. I feel like Torquemada has decided to make my knees and example of what happens to heretics. Fuuuuu!
  16. Of the last 24 hours, 7 of them have been at lacrosse games. I now know what Dan's hockey dad life is like. Burned the shit out of my knees sitting in 90 degree weather and foolishly refusing suncreen form a very hot lacrosse mom. "No thanks, I am very macho you know, I don't need any girlyman sunscreen for me" I am invulnerable to UV rays.
  17. Flyers, Kings.......'nuf said.
  18. This! /\ /\ /\ /\ Take care of yourself man!
  19. ENFJ- it's is Vicki, Clara Barton and me. Now class sit down and shut up!!!
  20. Well I just renewed my office lease for another three years.
  21. In New Jersey............
  22. Happy Birthday to the best Denver dining and drinking tour guide evahh!
  23. First of all, this is not a stupid request. Difficult yes, but very reasonable. (coming from an insufferable wino) What wine has the recipient tried, liked or want in his collection? Wine newby with label envy or an experienced sophisticated vino person. Must this be only one bottle, or a three pack is OK? As above, red or white? What type of food does the recipient usually enjoy? Steak eater or vegan? To help select a winery direct or on line secondary retailer source, where does the potential wine purchaser live? This is a start, more questions to follow.
  24. Let me be the judge of that............fax is on.
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