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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Just returned from our summer parent teacher meeting where they shared this informative video. Even non-parents should watch this video- http://youtu.be/73m5850DKYs
  2. Posts (8190-8208) X2! Woo hoo, congratulations man!
  3. I guess the HC Goodwill Department has taken over for the JH customer service department. Good news Mike and Anonymous person.
  4. Which Scientology church do you belong to? I am a member of this one---- https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&ie=UTF-8&q=church+of+scientology&fb=1&gl=us&hq=church+of+scientology&hnear=0x80e8255670288891:0x8d2e7a0147cc2e26,Thousand+Oaks,+CA&cid=0,0,4601270532814308087&ei=1qH7T8L0CqTC2wXdk5T-Bg&sqi=2&ved=0CBkQrwswAw
  5. Wow, obviously none of these posts will find their way onto the RMAF advertising pages. I guess I have still another reason to be too busy that weekend. Except for Naamen and Tyll of course.
  6. A warm bath and a prophylactic dose of Benadryl should do the trick. Running around breathing in all that pollen makes for an allergic evening.
  7. Have you ever considered contributing to this forum with useful information rather than just visiting to hock your goods? Just wondering................. my Grandma wonders too.
  8. Happy birthday Mike!
  9. Happy Birthday Birgir! 30 viking years old? How many is that in mere mortal years?
  10. Keep up the good work Shelly!
  11. Augsburger


    This sale probably isn't relevant here since all HC runners have converted to HC bikers but- http://www.zombierunner.com/store/sale/categories/shoes/
  12. Mary does this all the time for employees at her hospital that find themselves in a difficult financial situation. Like the time one of her coworkers lost everything in the Malibu fire so the whole hospital donated a bunch of hours for this employee to try to salvage her personal items, find a new place to live and deal with the insurance adjuster. Then again she is in health care, and her hospital doesn't make any money, so giving and charity come with the job. Perhaps for profit businesses have the margins that hospitals don't and should fund these emergency programs. Dinny, I am not sure that deducting a gift of ones personal vacation time is allowed by the rat bastards aka IRS. I recall years ago that I was told it was not unless you could come up with some convoluted valuation for the vacation hours and somehow tie it to a 501C3. or somethin'.....I could be wrong.
  13. Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Having a Miller Light to celebrate this momentous occaision.....wut??? Haven't had this much fun since the Sputnik launch.
  14. Legal issues for InnerFidelity notwithstanding, I have a number of friends and friends of my son who ask me for "good headphone" recommendations at $100 or less. and like Dinny, I would have a sort of morbid curiosity regarding how well these knock offs measured. I have always felt that for certain items below a specific pricepoint it becomes a commodity pricing decision and lowest price wins.
  15. Happy Birthday Mr Crappy J.
  16. Happy Happy Birthday Scott!
  17. Happy Birthday Justin! Treat yourself to something good.
  18. Shelly, in Portland try Screen Door at 2337 East Burnside Street. I have not been there but heard it was worth the wait.
  19. Take care Larry and do not try to wait until the last minute before evacuating. Now may be a good time to take a road trip with the family.
  20. Shelly, I'd take the 8 east to the 47 south to here---- http://mapq.st/MA2nRq but that's just me. If you do venture there demand the Freedom Hill .
  21. You don't use your phone to pay for things like starbucks right? If it is a smartphone, do you access your email or bank info on it?
  22. Musasa Rwanda from Thanksgiving Coffee Co. Perhaps if enough people start enjoying Rwandan coffee the people will choose commerce over genocide. Great flavors with subtle notes like true Kona coffee.
  23. Augsburger


    Nah, not a problem for coastalish cities. The wind blows it towards the desert. Besides this part of LA county is Prius/Tesla town.
  24. Augsburger


    Do they have an earthquake warning app? That is the only weather/geological event app needed in So Cal.
  25. Summer lacrosse league practice today and now helping Mary and Emily pack for their 10 day community service trip to a New Mexico reservation. Ten days of me and the boys hanging out at the homestead. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize in advance for any lame, loco drunk posts you may be subjected to from June 23rd to July 1st.
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