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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Good luck Jacob.
  2. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ If I didn't know better I would think that is the logo for a hair salon/spa.
  3. http://vimeo.com/22984504
  4. Happy Birthday Marc!
  5. Actually, I really don't like any of them. I don't think they do justice to the type of high end business that you have built. If I were visiting your website for the first time and saw any of those as your logo I would immediately take you for main stream audio. You are much better than any of those, really.
  6. *edwood*
  7. /\ /\ /\ /\ I think so. Did you see me wave back?
  8. Damn! That is my number one wish list item. I love all things Panerai.
  9. Just don't get any ideas of starting a HC walker group buy thread.
  10. That settles it! As your friend, thought leader and part time life coach I will trade you a safe mandoline http://www.cutleryandmore.com/calphalon/precision-mandoline-slicer-p124049?gclid=CK2hlMOpi7MCFaaDQgodI2QAWA for all your deadly and dangerous chef knives. Starting with the Shigefusa, trust me, it is for your own good.
  11. Happy Birthday to a bunch of Good Fellas
  12. Take it easy Jacob. Be safe.......
  13. Naaman, did you have any opportunity to hear the Magico speakers? The Magico and MBLs are at the top of my list and I agree with you regarding the Wilson speakers. I have heard a few of the Wilson models in different venues and each experience has been the same............ nice but not exciting and certainly not worth the money.
  14. Welcome to my world.
  15. He will trade used watch stuff for bike gear.
  16. Tyll, I have always thought of you as the Ken Kesey of audioness. You are so ahead of your time. You should consider writing a piece on "Monster Does One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest", or RMAF is Really The Sirens of Titan after a few beers.
  17. From my past experience that ding in the rear quarter panel will mean repainting nearly the whole car because they can't spot paint that area. $$$$$$$$$$! Good luck and glad it was only the Bimmer that was dinged and not you.
  18. Happy Birthday Vicki! Treat yourself to a loooong bike ride.
  19. Ducati 1098s? Or BMW S1000RR .......................
  20. If Vandersteens can fit your budget they should be on your short list. My wine buddy has a pair and in my opinion they are very transparent, accurate yet musical. they do jazz and Cabernet exceptionally well. Great recommendation!
  21. Brought Emily home from the airport as school is having a semester break. Piano is smiling again. Oh, and Notre Dame beats Stanford, wooohoo! all is good with the world.
  22. Wow, that's a lot of scotch!
  23. Guys, just make shit up! We won't know, and once the "What are You Drinking" thread fires up, we won't care.
  24. Good luck with Stanford or where ever else your daughter decides to go. You guys will be in for a couple of very stressful months so hang in there. Shelly, you be tough and your homies support you. Speedy recovery.
  25. Monkey in first class is stylin' !
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