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About kitaoji

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. kitaoji

    K1000 = hope

    Oh, HIT Audio. I dropped in by their store in Central and they were great, although I didn't get to demo the A205AmkII - they switched the Zu's for the Almarro speakers. What really got to me, though, was the Rogue Audio Cronus. If it weren't for the fact we have no space for a third amplifier I would have bought it on the spot. If you have time, could you try out a Cronus/K1K combo?
  2. 2007 Headphones: In addition to my SR325i and K701, I threw a W5000 and K1000 into my collection, and traded my E500 for a pair of triple.fi. The Sony MDR-CD900ST (pretty version of the 7506) rejoined as well. Amps: Sold both my Gilmore Lite and HeadFive for a Mapletree HD150. DAC: Went from an Echo Indigo soundcard to some cheap chinese stuff, and then to the DA100. Source: I'm still stuck with my laptop, and a cheap DVD player... Plans This totally depends on what happens next year, and where I'm moving after I graduate. I'm saving up for a Rega Saturn, which I might get in a year or two. Most likely the Pico will replace my amp and DAC, since I like Justin's stuff. I'm also looking at amps, namely Almarro's A205, Rogue Audio's Cronus and the FirstWatt F1 for the K1K. I'm still at a loss for a preamp for the F1... maybe a GSX. Or maybe more stuff from Rogue Audio. (I really, really like the Cronus.) I most likely will be pressured from the parents to get speakers (they don't like headphones). At that point, I'll have to start my research on speaker amps, seeing if any of the above can work well with both speakers and the K1K. And the speakers themselves, of course. Right now, I'm looking at the Pico and getting my K701s recabled. I like the K701s, and can only use the K1K sparingly at the moment. 2006 was a year of experimentation with headphones. In 2007 I decided to be more strict with my spending, making long term changes. I'm hoping 2008/9 will be the time when I can finally settle for a really long-term setup.
  3. K1000s... which I did. Heck, I traded my Christmas holiday trip (and am working my ass off in the library) for the K1000s.
  4. I think the VDA-2 uses the PCM1794, as well as the Corda Opera. It probably depends more on the design than the actual chip. For example, I'd never look for a Cambridge Audio CDP, but love the Regas, and I think they use the same DAC...
  5. How about the ipod as source? Straight out of the headphone out, I listen with my E500s and the volume bar at 0. Like what everybody's been saying, it really is dependent on the music, the source, and all components. I'm usually around 9 o'clock with my Mapletree HD150.
  6. granodemostasa likes the M-Audio Audiophile USB (that only does coax). humanflyz had the Trends Audio UD-10. Does the Turtle Beach Audio Advantage Micro (only toslink-mini) count as well? There are more cheap options that I can think up, but I can't say whether their quality is up to Head-Case standards...
  7. No, I want them and I'm closer
  8. archosman, let me know if you're selling. I don't have a WTB thread at Head-Fi, but I'd certainly be interested in buying them It's been around $1200 lately (+ lots more for recabling), but I've seen some around $1050. There was this phase in May when a few pairs were available for $800ish, which was rare (and I wasn't around to jump on them, which really pains me now).
  9. How about the Senn HD280 Pro? It's just under $100 and it sounded decent. One of the better isolation phones I've heard.
  10. David, your rig *does not* freak anybody out. Okay, the ZD might worry the uninitiated, but seriously... outsmart the landlady, or stand up to her. And just for perspectives: I'm sure the ZD eats more power than my Mapletree, but I have my setup /and/ a whole bunch of other things, and I've never paid more than $25 in utilities.
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