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Everything posted by Eric5676

  1. You've expressed some of the concerns I had watching that video. I like what I see but in the back of my mind I was thinking things like: "Gosh, I wonder how much choice and how many different ways I can handle that scenario?" The Hitman vision, like the Batman one, is something that the user can avoid using although I find that's easier said than done. I used it far too much in Arkham Asylum and it was almost like having an outright cheat. I'm not sure how far into the future this game is from release but I'm hoping that these devs are true to their word like in that QA session. Make sure Hitman is actually Hitman!
  2. http://forum.1cpubli...ead.php?t=15109 Release date supposedly Q4 2011 at least according to Gamespot. I hope so. http://www.gamespot....ies3/index.html From 1C: http://forum.1cpubli...splay.php?f=178 Main thread http://forum.1cpubli...ead.php?t=16101 Previews Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uIA8bXJObo YES! For those uninitiated to the series you can get both previous game together on Steam for about $25. Well worth it IMO. Think a really nice Hitman clone set during WW2 with its own set of wrinkles and unique features with an evil masochists's level of difficulty in on the easiest settings, at least for me. Part 3 will take place during the height of the Cold War and spy era of the 60s with the same character used in part 2 Moment of Truth. I can't wait to get it.
  3. www.hitman.com http://www.vg247.com...man-absolution/ Q&A with the developers. ^^ Watch this gameplay footage. This is a generous and lengthy video. I think they're headed on the right track so far. I see some shades of Splinter Cell Conviction which is an underrated and overlooked gem IMO and I also see a little dash of Deus Ex: Human Revolution in addition to the obvious Batman like radar capability which I hope doesn't make the game too easy. Overall, I still see things that definitely reassure me that this is a Hitman game. I'm not happy about composer Jesper Kyd not returning but apparently that was due to a scheduling conflict as Jesper is committed to the Assassin's Creed series, another favorite series of mine. Revelations is out in November btw! I love the Hitman games. I've replayed them all a sinful amount of times. I saw this reaction from someone after they'd watched that video and so far I'd have to concur: He's referring to the PC version which is what I'll get but regardless of platform if that billing really holds and the promise I see in that video holds I think a lot of people including myself will feel that way.
  4. http://sc2.sourceforge.net/ They've updated this again in a big time way. I'm going through this game right now and I just marvel how much depth and texture and complexity there is in this game to this day and how well its aged thanks to the mod work and tender loving care from the creators themselves on this project. http://uqm-mods.sourceforge.net/ There's a few side mods that go with this that I'm really happy about not the least of which are time dilation mods that hold back the Kor-Ah Borg like March some 200 years so you actually have time to enjoy the damned game. That always my one biggest complaint with this game. http://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=4861.45 HD mod in progress. That's astonishing work. I can't wait to see if it ever gets finished and done same for this mod based sequel he's working on: http://code.google.com/p/project6014/ http://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=3121.0 Wanna cheat a little bit? Handy game save editor. It's mighty damned satisfying I must say to start the game off and actually be worth a damn. Anyways, I just had to plug this and by all means fill out the petition for Activision to make a real sequel. It's amazing how much this game still stands out to this day. It's incredible.
  5. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    I can't wait for this. I love Bad Company 2, I enjoyed the Beta of this and I know I'll enjoy the final game even more. PC all the way.
  6. LOL, you probably have something there. I've been seeing and hearing complaints like this in my lurking and reading up on RMAF. I've seen a mentions made about speaker setups, room treatments, and the like being less than ideal to say the least and people coming away less impressed in certain situations than one would have thought.. Fair enough. EDIT: They just said on their FB page they'll start production in December on the new hardware.
  7. What was wrong with it?
  8. Wyred 4 Sound posted these images from RMAF on their Facebook page: https://fbcdn-sphoto...087249450_n.jpg ^^ Full view https://fbcdn-sphoto...366084972_n.jpg ^^ Closer https://fbcdn-sphoto...137464876_n.jpg ^^ Closest. I like the looks of the server for the most part. $2000 MSRP. I don't know about that but then again I really don't know a whole heck of a lot about this entire music server scene. Supposedly at least some of that new gear will be out before the end of the year.
  9. May not be an outright given with these guys.
  10. https://audiofest.net/2011/downloads/Special/WyredR.pdf Some nifty products there but that Music Server in particular has my attention. I love my DAC-2.
  11. This is definitely a loaded player. Question: When you're running that music of that hard drive and doing whatever it is you want to do with it I take it you have to have a TV or monitor on the entire time to see what you're doing otherwise from what I gather in the manual it's fairly user friendly, easy, and convenient? If I got either this or at least the 93 that's a feature I would definitely use.
  12. Eric5676


    http://hdguru.com/the-best-labor-day-hdtv-deals/5387/ Some compelling HDTV deals for Labor Day through Amazon. He's an Amazon affiliate so if you click on the links via his site you know how that's going to roll. No, it's not me and I'm not affiliated with that site.
  13. The fan patches basically save the game. Well worth your time. Check Risen out as well if you haven't already. Same here. Certainly not perfect (nothing is) but I think the game is fantastic and thus far my personal GOTY. They got "Deus Ex" right. Full stealth at max difficulty through the entire game and no lethals is going to be quite a challenge. You get a special achievement for no killing throughout the entire game and you rack up XPs and bonuses if you make it through without setting off alarms and such. Easier said than done. I'm very eager to see where things go next with this series. Other games I pretty much never stop playing as of late are Fallout 3 and especially Fallout: New Vegas. I play a lot of these games on the PC so the amount of mods that come out for those games and Oblivion pretty much assures that I'll never stop playing them entirely, at least until their sequels come out. Skyrim will own me this winter.
  14. The site looks great and like everyone else has said, that review is weep-from-laughing-so-hard great.
  15. Best I can determine: Solid company, nice products. This doesn't seem to have a digital audio out to send to an external DAC so that would reduce my interest in it considerably. I'm still mostly disc based but I do have some music on the computer and it all goes to my Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 which I'm still really thrilled with. It's a shame those Olive products are so expensive because something like that would be ideal for me. If the 3HD had a digital out I'd probably consider buying it. The 4 and 6 are just simply too expensive for me to justify. So that's where something like this suddenly caught my eye. Ah well. I'll figure this out eventually.
  16. I did a search for Brennan here and both hits were well into necro territory so here goes: I'd never heard of them before (which doesn't mean much, as usual) but saw an ad for them in the WSJ today that got my attention. http://www.brennan.co.uk/itemlist.php/clasrefr/units They sell through Amazon and it's a Fulfiment by Amazon setup which is nice. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sr_electronics?_encoding=UTF8&node=172282&field-brandtextbin=Brennan What do you all think? What's the story on these folks? Anyone try out any of their products?
  17. D'oh. Sorry. It just blew me away enough that I wasn't really looking too carefully.
  18. http://gizmodo.com/#!5781566/this-is-the-scariest-first+persog-video-of-the-japan-tsunami-yet This is quite unsettling to watch and listen to, to say the least.
  19. Really scary and downright hard to believe. I don't think it's cliche in this case to start whipping out phrases like "epic and Biblical proportions" and so forth especially when you have 3 nuke plants on the fritz and they're talking about how this was really a 9.0 quake that moved the entire continent of Japan 8 feet and screwed up the Earth's axis by 10 inches. Those numbers are a big deal in a geographic context. My heart just goes out to the people and I've been praying and...damn, I wish I could do something... EDIT: Yup, it's official. Japanese officials are saying that they think that the nuclear rods are in the process of melting down at these plants.
  20. Looking forward to the breakdown and pics! Oh ok, yeah you may as well throw in a few pics of the player while you're at it.
  21. It's back up but the next allotment won't ship until the first week of March. I won't be surprised to see that gone by the end of the weekend thereabouts unless that's the beginning of the full fledged release.
  22. And it's now already out of stock. Incredible. That wasn't even a full day. Obviously a lot of people are right there with you postjack.
  23. I'm still having the same fence sitting argument with myself about how nothing's wrong with my 83, etc. blah blah blah but I am thinking about it. I take it you had one of those emails, too?
  24. This showed up in my email. They're getting ready to get this 95 unit out:
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