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Everything posted by Eric5676

  1. http://www.theverge....-gaming-console Disclaimer: There isn't a hell of a lot of concrete data or sources behind this article. Take it for the overglorified rumormongering that it is but I personally think there's a grain of truth to the overall broad concept being suggested here. Obviously if GDC and E3 come and go and we see and hear nothing than it's a bunch of crap and we move on. Valve were ambitious pioneers with Steam way back in 2004. This has the potential makings of being another ambitious and possibly pioneering move by them yet again. If basically set themselves up as the Android of the entire gaming world that's huge for them. If nothing else, it certainly is going to be very interesting to watch unfold. If I'm Sony, Microsoft, Apple, and Nintendo I'm definitely not a happy camper with this news.
  2. http://i42.tinypic.com/nmkbbc.jpg That image is pretty big and I don't want to bust H-scrolls. Basically you can read that and I think it's easy to read between the lines there. The same would also apply to Jesper Kyd who won't even mention the subject and deletes Facebook posts or any references whenever someone (like me) tries to bring it up. I hope this game is good but that sort of thing really puts a sour taste in my mouth.
  3. LOL, ok fair enough. As it is even at that some good ideas and potential alternates have been suggested that I think will be very helpful to him so you guys shouldn't sell yourselves short here.
  4. I'll forward all that to him anyways. Heck, he may get adventerous. I figured if I wanted to cut through the BS and get down to some meat I was in the right place.
  5. I looked around a little bit and I *think* those are all aftermarket situations. I think he's angling to just stick with Amazon or some place like that and not get too adventerous but these are interesting. I didn't realize you could get anything with the name Stax on it remotely within this price range.
  6. I'll send him that link right away.
  7. I'm trying to help a friend of mine out who is new to the head-fi world. Heh, yes, I've already warned him with a laugh about his wallet but we'll keep this clean for now. I'm a bit out of the loop so I need some help to help him. So far the cans he's looked at are: http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-HD-518-Headphones-Black/dp/B0042A68R8/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1327888696&sr=1-1 http://www.amazon.com/Shure-SRH750-DJ-Headphones-Black/dp/B002PAQYK8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1327888558&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-HD-280-Pro-Headphones/dp/B000065BPB/ref=dp_cp_ob_e_title_1 http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-HD25-1-II-Closed-Back-Headphones/dp/B000TDZOXG/ref=sr_1_2?s=aht&ie=UTF8&qid=1327883303&sr=1-2 http://www.amazon.com/Sony-MDR7506-Professional-Diaphragm-Headphone/dp/B000AJIF4E/ref=sr_1_4?s=aht&rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1327883022&sr=1-4 http://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-M50-Professional-Monitor-Headphones/dp/B000ULAP4U/ref=dp_cp_ob_e_title_0 http://www.amazon.com/Technica-ATH-ANC7B-Noise-Cancelling-Closed-Back-Headphones/dp/B002HWJT1A/ref=sr_1_2?s=aht&ie=UTF8&qid=1327883022&sr=1-2 http://www.amazon.com/AKG-Open-Back-Studio-Headphones-K601/dp/B000NDJRSU/ref=sr_1_1?s=aht&ie=UTF8&qid=1327883486&sr=1-1 And some others but you get the idea. I feel like I remember AT being a hell of value in this price range. He's lurked around on head-fi's forums but as you might imagine that's been murky for him to get a clear read on some things. Ideally, he'd like to be knocked off the fence a little bit or at least steered in a direction where he can ice something down. I'm pretty confident he really couldn't go wrong with any of those cans but we'll see. For now this is all he can do so he needs good cans that don't necessarily "need" a headphone amp, either. Thanks gang.
  8. I really don't get what Sennheiser is doing from a marketing standpoint in regards to the 700 vs 800 at all.
  9. I don't disagree with that. Got you.
  10. Me, too. Very happy with my pair coming off a GS-X. Sound great and feel great to me. For the "Sennheiser sucks" folks, I'm wondering which cans of theirs they tried? And in what kind of listening environment and equipment?
  11. Merry Christmas to all!
  12. http://www.wyred4sound.com/webapps/p/74030/117839/620191 Not feeling it.
  13. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    I need to make more of a point of playing the other classes. I've been playing mostly assault.
  14. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    Awesome ideas. I totally agree. There's a few maps...I still haven't memorized their names...that simply don't work IMO with certain game modes and arguably one or two game modes that have no business being in a BF game at all but thankfully we can all set the filters on the browser for whatever we want. Easy example: Last night I made the mistake of going into Operation Metro and there was about 48 people in that...I think it was consquest or rush because I saw A,B,C points and all that but guess what? It simply didn't matter because it was a broken experience. Nothing but a grind fest and I couldn't even call it a stalemate because of course the team I came on sucked and therefore I quit pretty fast. It was just spawn and get killed and a meat grinder. Total waste of time. I will never go into Operation Metro again with that many people, regardless of situation. ^^ That's what I was talking about earlier, folks. I have a very low BS tolerance. Fair enough but I guess the devs figured they'd spend the bulk of the resources on what the series is really all about and what makes it sell. Don't get me wrong. I'm a person that greatly favors single player games myself. Something like this is an exception to my own rule but will be something that I ultimately play in between other games. Once Skyrim comes out next week my BF3 playing time is going to be almost nonexistent as an example. So I'm very sympathetic to what you're saying, believe me.
  15. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    It's usable but it's short, forgettable, utterly unremarkable and absolutely not within the realm of being worth paying $50-$60 for. Little to no replay value. Even the COD series is kind of a dubious buy if you're only buying those games for SP but BF a lot more so. The SP is a decent afterthought and that's about it. As for MP in these kinds of things: It's all about finding good servers and people to play with. I'm fortunate enough that I've been a regular in a few circles where I basically have the HOCP servers and a couple of strays added to my favorites list. I have 3-4 people on my friends list and I work off of these things. I have had nothing but good experiences on those servers because the admins won't tolerate BS. That's what it's all about. Find quality servers where BS isn't tolerated and add them to your favorites. Make sure you see Punkbuster on and some other things. We already have a few people including myself here in this thread that you could add to your friends list and if you see us in game all you have do is right click on our names and select Join Party and you've raised your odds considerably of having a good experience. I'm very picky. If I fall into a BS session of any kind whether it be a one sided blow out or a BS fest, I quit and go somewhere else so if you tag me you're going to be in good shape. Then honestly? Don't buy the game because it's all about the MP. That's what this series is all about. At the very least wait until the price drops considerably because I really don't think most people will feel this thing is worth paying full price for just for single player. A number of reviews make that point as well. I personally wouldn't. The BF series is always about MP above all else. The co-op is a nice compromise, though. It's more like the SP except it's you and one other human player in a scripted situation where your accomplishments there benefit the MP side of things but then again if you don't care about MP then there's nothing there for you, either. http://hardforum.com...620&postcount=1 Lots of new tweaks constantly getting added to the first post in this thread. http://www.techpower...ad.php?t=154145 The OP of this first post here has come up with a very handy and convenient BF3 configuration piece of software that's going to continue to evolve and grow. If you guys want to spend money on awesome single player then get Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the FPS side if you haven't already and get Skyrim at the end of next week for RPG. Witcher 2 is another top quality RPG to buy also. Saints Row 3 is going to be one hell of a great game for both SP and MP if you're needing that GTA like fix. I think it'll have co-op. Now THAT will be well worth paying for even if you never touch the MP.
  16. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    You're right. The SP on BF3 is decent but someone shouldn't be buying a BF game if SP is the high priority to them. As it is, all the previous BF games never even bothered with an SP mode at all.
  17. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    I'm Eric5676 on Origin if anyone wants to add me. If the stats were really reset and I'll take your all's word for it then as was said the way you get to 30 that quick is cheating, hacks, grinding because you don't have a life off your computer or...boosting. What's boosting? Example: Last night I came on this guy's server and he and his friend were there together on opposite teams. They stood together in front of an MCOM. Enable, disable, over and over and over again into eternity. They even told me they were doing other things while putting something with weight down on their E buttons. I have to admit I kind of laughed at the idea and didn't think it was half bad but still lame. You can gain points and rank doing that but you don't unlock any goodies for yourself so it seems pointless in the end to me.
  18. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    The SP was a complete afterthought anyways and has never been and never will be what the BF series is all about. I feel sorry if anyone out there bought this game with SP as any priority. On the other hand, if you want a change of place from the MP...the Co-op is really fun and satisfying and the best part is you gain points there that will benefit you in MP. I honestly wish they had. There are guys that have been playing since the alpha that are past rank 30 at least. Some of these same people I'm convinced never leave their computers practically 24/7. There's simply no way someone like myself is ever going to have a chance in hell of competing or even remotely catching up to the likes of that.
  19. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    You're right when you have people who have been playing it since the alpha not to mention that a number of these same people seem to be IV'd to their computers. There's no way I'll ever be competitive with those types. I'm favoring assault right now with a dash of recon but I'm going to make a point of trying support and engineer real soon.
  20. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    Oh yeah. The "tradition" continues: In the first few weeks server issues and odds and ends glitches are to be expected with any EA/DICE release especially in this series. I've been amazed thus far at the glitch free experience I've personally had. http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1646594 I posted this earlier but just keep an eye on the first post. There's some issues with Punkbuster, among other things, that have lended themselves to the disconnects and getting booted and the like. There are workarounds and solutions for a number of things already which is good.
  21. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1646594 If they stay on topic this thread can and will become all the more useful as time unfolds.
  22. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    A few glitches aside this thing is friggin' awesome. I'm able to max out with pretty good FPS at 1920x1200 on a single GTX 480. I've honestly been stopping and just taking it all in when I know I'm safe from getting killed. Just amazing.
  23. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    Origin preload all set and done. Ready to play!
  24. Eric5676

    Battlefield 3

    Waiting for preload on Origin to start sometime today. Just not sure when. Can't wait to get into this thing!
  25. I personally don't but I know where you can get some info and impressions. http://www.avsforum.com At the top of the forum you'll see Google Search AVS. Put Wyred in that and you'll get plenty of meaningful hits for threads that should be of use to you. My skimming yielded largely positive feedback.
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