You can see what my current, primary home rig for headphone useage currently is.
My sound quality is fantastic except for two things:
1.) I need to find a way to inject some more warmth without taking away from everything else.
2.) There's a touch of harshess that shows up at times that could stand to be refined out of there.
This is not an earth shattering, extreme problem.
That being said, I'm considering all kind of things from an external DAC that would turn my Onkyo 1000 into a glorified transport, a different set of cans although I'd hate to lose the 701's strengths, possibly a new source outright, or maybe some kind of "accessory" like this:
I wouldn't surprise me at all if some kind of tube lovin' has to get into this picture one way or the other.
Basically I'm wide open to the world within reason, as reasonable as our hobby can be anyways.
Start from post 12 and work your way forward that gives you a better idea of where I'm at with all of this. Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions!