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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Eric5676

  1. Guess it's worth something to someone at that rate.
  2. EDIT: I see that you already got into all this. Damn. I wish I could edit previous post.
  3. ^^ This is what I get for being out of the loop as of late. I'll be VERY eager to see what you guys think of it.
  4. Really doesn't look good for this product at all IMO.
  5. Any over/under on that yet?
  6. Wow. Even I've been around long enough here and on Head-Fi (lurking more than posting) to appreciate the significance of this statement. This says a lot because I daresay I've seen few people who did more research and left no stone unturned all over the place more than you. I'm really happy for you.
  7. I'd like to see pics of his setup as well!
  8. Ah.
  9. Considering both of those posts are about a month old now, hopefully Dusty will swing through before long with some follow up.
  10. Me, too.
  11. You can see that the CEO responded very fast with this: So the back door is left open a crack maybe for down the road some day.
  12. PS Audio - High-Performance Home Audio Equipment Interesting question written by a friend of mine. Might be worth keeping any eye on that thread.
  13. It might be an ideal car app.
  14. Agreed. Pretty hit and miss site for me as well. Sometimes I've seen some reviews that were alright but this is an example where I just scratched my head and, like you, checked out on that same statement.
  15. Monkey: When are we going to see some pretty "check out my hot new gear!" pics and such?
  16. I have no right to complain vs. a lot of you guys but I think Lima's easy time of it has run out. Time to pay the piper. We've got 9 inches on the ground now and they're talking about the next winter storm coming through by around Tuesday. We could see at least another 6 inches although as usual they admit "they're not really sure yet exactly what it's going to do and where it's going to go." Regardless of that: This is not good news for anyone east of me. Just a heads up if nothing else. Sorry to have to send you this bad news.
  17. Someone could shock me here but shy of that, I think you'll have to contact Marantz directly. If you have the manual to your unit look for the tech support number. If you're still under warranty then so much the better.
  18. LOL, same here. Basically any winter related forecast involving a decent amount of snow turns into: "Everyone south of Lima and especially from Dayton on south is basically screwed" for all intents and purposes.
  19. An apt thread title although I'd say here in Northwest Ohio I got off pretty easy with about 6 inches of snow and some driving winds vs. folks of east of us. Be safe, folks!
  20. I know back in September a couple of outlets got to play with an early version of one of these and it sounded nifty but it also sounded like it had some issues. This whole delay pattern just doesn't bode well for the product IMO. If the Touch is out of the game...should I just consider a Duet? All I'd like is something that will play all files, including high rez, I can plug an ethernet cable in the back and it integrates with my sound system. Anything after that is bonus.
  21. So Monkey are you way off in audio heavenly bliss now or what?
  22. I was looking around their forums and saw this comment from the CEO: Interesting. This Bridge is going to finally come out in March if I read right? I'm halfway curious to see if I can rig a shootout for myself between this beast vs. my Cambridge 840c. This beast would allow me to streamline my entire setup across the boards and I'm lightly considering it at this point. My PC and all my gear are in the same room so all I would do is hard wire this thing right to my router. Monkey, where did you see this for $2100 new thereabouts?. I'm grateful for a thread like this because I know Monkey and others will shoot right past the marketing hype and spin and get down to the real facts of the matter up or down. I lurk a lot more than I post but a lot of you regulars by now I know I can count on to cut through the BS.
  23. This is a sweet piece of kit although that price tag certainly makes me take pause. I'll be following this thread with rapt interest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKm6zDAb7G4&autoplay=1 ^^ Nice video.
  24. Whoops, sorry about that. You're right!
  25. OPPO BDP-80 Blu-ray Disc Player - Comparison 83 vs 80 direct comparison and explanations. The 80 really is surprisingly close to the 83. You give up a little in the build quality area, the ABT video processing on DVDs and that's about it. I'm not even sure there's a loss in the DAC area. If there is, it's negligible except for one detail: The 83 has seperate, dedicated stereo analog outs in addition to the 7.1 multichannel outs and the 80 simply has the 7.1 multichannel analog outs by themselves. The 80 is a heck of a bargain all told IMO but I think the 83's are bargains at their price points as well. Obviously Lexicon agrees with me.
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