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Everything posted by Eric5676

  1. Yay! By any chance did they tell you why there was such a communication issue?
  2. With phone calls in the mix too...yeah, no way to really make any positive spin here without real grasping for straws.
  3. That's certainly a true and fair point although morphsci makes an excellent point about trying different emails accounts. Hope this works out well.
  4. Does it matter that today is Saturday? Are they around on the weekends?
  5. This is unfortunate. Strange even. I certainly agree with your sentiments and would feel the same way in your shoes.
  6. When did you try? Nice!
  7. Happy Birthday to one of a number of good folks around these parts that have helped me a number of times in the past here and on Head-Fi whether they knew it (or remember it) or not.
  8. Same experiences here a lot more recently. When I look around for Wyred on any number of forums I rarely if ever see anything negative and most of the negative stuff that I might have seen was at least partially user error or something easily rectified. The DAC2 is still under my serious consideration. The few bits of feedback I've seen, and I don't include Six Moons but real users of it and/or the DAC1, has also been positive with virtually no exception.
  9. EDIT: Nevermind.
  10. Are you still happy with the PWD overall? Are you going to stick with it?
  11. I'll be surprised if you find any dealers that discount off of Wyred's already pretty fair to arguably generous prices (IMO.) Past that: You had the PWD before and didn't keep it. Why? And what's tempting you to get it again?
  12. [H]ard|OCP - HardOCP Computer Hardware Reviews and News Home - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News Technology News, Computer and Notebook Reviews, Computer News, Computer Mods, PC News | Maximum PC PC Gamer - The global authority on PC games These ought to get you off the ground. Good luck!
  13. I've never heard of them (which doesn't mean much) but I looked that up and it certainly shapes up quite solidly with that hardware and all on paper. I wouldn't mind a few more inputs but overall that's pretty compelling. Pretty damned impressive the more I read up at that price point and all. EDIT: Read your review, too. So what pushed you over the edge from something like the Neko to the big bad PWD?
  14. I'm debating between either this or the Perfectwave DAC. I have a Cambridge 840c currently that I'm pretty happy with although it's starting to show me some signs that I need to maybe think about life after it. I have an Oppo BDP83 here and even an Onkyo DVSP1000 so I'm not going to be out of luck no matter what in terms of sources. Getting the Oppo modded is yet another consideration. Hell, there's probably several considerations. Lots of choices! Thoughts? EDIT: Reason I'm considering this on my short list is, among other things, I've seen some surprising glowing feedback from some fairly high end types across a number of audio forums including Audio Circles, AVS, and some McIntosh friendly forum (way out of my league) among other things.
  15. Heh, this is just the kind of chuckle I needed on a Monday morning.
  16. It does. I've been doing some researching today and you're exactly right. The PWD uses whatever Wolfson's absolute best (I forget the specific number) and the Wyred uses that Sabre as you say. I saw that during my search engine blitz. I was using search terms like "Perfectwave DAC vs Wyred Dac 2" and that information came up fairly early on in one of those links. I'm sure folks can track it down easily enough. I've yet to personally experience that ESS dac for myself but your descriptions there are ones that I tend to run across quite a bit. Thanks for the information as always.
  17. Then how do you know for sure? Just because of the lights? ;-p Definitely under consideration. I guess what I'm really wondering at, and for me I'm only "paper" guessing until I'm maybe able to rig up some demos or something: Is the Wyred Dac 2 basically a PWD without the pretty touchscreen (And Bridge option obviously)? I've seen some pretty wild guesses out there as to how much extra it adds to the cost of the Perfectwave hardware to have those nifty touchscreens on them. I really don't need that although again, it's certainly cool. The Bridge is neat, though. The Perfectwave products are definitely neat. So this is the kind of stuff that's going through my mind. There are a handful of other DACs around these price ranges I'm considering as well.
  18. Let me repeat one point from my earlier post just to be safe: "I have no idea if any of that is actually true or not." I looked at the Wyred thread here via search and was a little surprised at some of the strong negativity I saw in there including from at least one person that I saw wrote "It sucks" and then he went and bought a PWD that I suspect he's still very happy with. So, I honestly don't know up or down. I just think there's maybe a little intruige there, even if I swim through the uber positive Wyred reviews that were predictable by most and see mention made that a couple of the gentlemen that work for Wyred used to work for PS Audio and there's some of the same OEM and so forth. (Did I get that right?)
  19. I wonder how this PWD would match up against the Wyred4 W4S DAC-2? I've seen some people float the idea that the DAC-2 is essentially a PWD without the pretty touchscreen and arguably a better "value/bang for the buck." I have no idea if any of that is actually true or not. They both look like awesome pieces of gear that a person couldn't go wrong with either way. What do you all think? I might get in a situation before too long where I would have some demoing opportunities. Noob question: If I bought either of these pieces...I have several high quality HDMI 1.3b cables here already. Can these be used for I2S?
  20. I found out today that as of August 15th, authorized PS Audio dealers in the country including Audio Advisor and Music Direct on the Internet, are running a promotion where you can get up to $1000 worth of trade in value towards the purchase of either a Perfectwave DAC or a Perfectwave Transport. $1000 is the most you can get per piece of equipment and it has to be a 1:1 ratio and confined to DACs, Transports, CD players, and DVD players on trade. They determine by condition of unit and MSRP of unit. Promotion runs until about the end of October. Doesn't count for B-Stock. New units only. The only downside is I'd still be out three grand upfront for the DAC and then the $1000 would come back to me after I send in the trade in unit and assuming all was well with it. I'm casually thinking about it. Plenty of time to stew on it. I figured I'd give you all the heads up. How are you owners getting along these days?
  21. LOL, I guess that covers the PM I sent you. I'll be interested to see your take on that.
  22. In answer to thread title: Yes, a little bit. There's a LOT of choices out there up and down the spectrum which is a good thing but it's all too easy to start getting lost. In my case, I'm starting to consider things like the Wyred DAC-2, the Lavry DA-11, or possibly even the PerfectWave DAC if I can swing a good deal on it.
  23. Someone bought it. Nope, it wasn't me but I considered it.
  24. I had asked one of their reps on AVS that same question and was told "no" in regards to online for any of their products. I'm hoping someone here surprises us with good news. Offhand: Has anyone compared one of these Ayres to the Cambridge 840c?
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