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Everything posted by Eric5676

  1. Fair enough and I certainly understand why that is. I wouldn't mind the change to something closer to my real name, or first name in this case. No big deal either way.
  2. I wouldn't mind a name change myself to Eric5676. Is this something that can be done without reinventing the wheel? Is it something that could be added to people's profiles so they could do it themselves or is all that more trouble than it's worth? Just an idea. No biggie.
  3. Definitely some sweet looking hardware but the more I look at that lineup the more I think that I'd need to be a sound engineer or some other kind of high end professional like that to consider a purchase. That's a self deprecating compliment to them on my part.
  4. I'm looking at that Logitech 9000 or the 910 for myself. I'm surprised I haven't seen a mention of the 910 up to this point. Anything I should be aware of? http://www.logitech.com/en-us/webcam-communications/webcams/devices/6816 Amazon and other outlets are selling it cheaper than that list price.
  5. I still haven't forgotten about you, either.
  6. That's where I'm going to have to get to. Figure out my short list, finalize it, look at my budget, and I guess get cracking. I try to be careful with this. I don't want to screw over some retailer by "renting" the hardware and flipping it back on them in 30 days. It's a nice courtesy from dealers that I really don't want to abuse. There's a balance here I'll have to watch. LOL
  7. I'm not surprised. It's a cool product, lots of features, and you can integrate it just about any way you want. Is it worth it?
  8. I tell you what: I'm lost. I'm suffering from bad information overload at this point. Maybe I should just stand hard by my 840c even if I have to pay to get it repaired. I can't make heads or tails of this DAC scene. I see lots of good products and I see lots of not so good products up and down the price spectrum. I'm concerned that I'd make nothing but a glorified lateral move or even a downward move if I made the wrong choice.
  9. No kidding. I can't say I'm surprised by any of that. That more than confirms any instinct I had on the subject. A number of you are far more privy to that sort of thing around those parts but it's really been unsubtle how wall to wall the Audio-Gd coverage is all over Head-Fi. I continue to be more and more grateful for this place with each passing day.
  10. Fair enough. From 6 Moons: That is tantalizing.
  11. That comment just answered a question I had in another thread. Is Audio-GD the latest Head-Fi FOTM? Because the forums are just overrun with threads about them. I'm guessing the answer is "yes" if folks like yourself are making these kinds of comments. I suspect if I had to choose between the two I would do the same thing as you.
  12. LOL, exactly. That's the kind of thing that makes me take pause. I'm not sure if this means anything but these units weigh According to Antelope's own website and literature. Is it just me or does that seem a little light weight?
  13. 6moons audio reviews: Antelope Audio Zodiac+ For whatever it's worth. There's a few things about these pieces at these price points that I'm just not sure about, even past all the market-ese and such. For these kinds of prices I have to have zero doubts in mind and I can't say that's the case at present when I look at this product line. But that's just me...
  14. Thread necromancy. Antelope Audio The Plus unit is trickling out. Sweetwater has a listing but out of stock still and these guys apparently do have it in stock: Zodiac + from audioMIDI.com $2500 I'd have to say, all told, something like this might be on my short list although it's not cheap. The Gold is going to be even more insane at around $3500. I think that's due out around December if I read correctly. I did read over this thread before necrobumping it. Are all of these using those same Burr Browns? I know Igor Levin himself has a good reputation and by most accounts whatever went wrong at Aardvark Audio was not his fault. On paper (key phrase) I have to say I'm awfully tantalized. I wish I knew more about what the Gold was going to have for an extra grand over this beastly Plus unit. What do you all make of this?
  15. I heard some wild rumor that the Ipad itself might get some kind of update.
  16. I'm expecting a fairly positive review. It's a nifty device that does a hell of a lot at a compelling price point. I'm still considering one for myself.
  17. Live from Apple's fall 2010 event -- Engadget Full coverage.
  18. I know it's bad form to quote yourself but I just wanted to take one last stab at this since I know the crew around here is going to steer me through any potential overhyped marketing or anything else like that. Thanks.
  19. At this rate I guess we'll have to wait to see what luvdunhill meant by "artificial." There isn't lack of a resolution IMO at least.
  20. Let me see if I can help you: About as far removed from being confused for analog as you can get. Someone on another forum said that the 840c had a "sterile top end" and I'd say I'd agree with that for the most part. Better?
  21. I think I have to agree with this as well. I've been noticing it for a while and I haven't had the right words exactly to describe it but sure enough you guys are helping me peg that down.
  22. I've never heard that description used towards the Sabres yet myself, either. If that person is really hearing more warmth and such then obviously it just goes to show that it all comes down to implementation and all of the hardware used, not just the DAC chip itself. As an 840c owner using Senn 800s on a HeadAmp GS-X I can tell you that I'm pretty sure I know what guy is referring to and I agree with him and I suspect you are picking up on that correctly. The player can be rather sterile and dry and the "glare" you're referring to is more or less how I could describe it as well. It is a warm and natural situation. It's not a bad situation, either, don't get me wrong. I just know I could stand to inject some more natural warmth into the proceedings. You want know what dry, brittle, bright, cold and clinical sounds like? It was when I was still using AKG 701s matched up to the 840c. Arctic blast. The 840c's strengths IMO are: Imaging and resolution. That's it.
  23. Club Polk - View Single Post - Wyred 4 Sound DAC's... Starting to see some user feedback about the DAC-2. Interestingly enough, this is a guy that also is currently using an 840c like I am. No, that's not me. He's obviously pretty happy in the early goings. What he's describing is exactly what I'm looking for. More warmth! Yes!
  24. I know nothing about this company up or down but I see TONS of threads for them at Head-Fi. The Dedicated Source Component area is predominated by Audio-Gd talk. I took a look and I have to say some of that looks pretty tantalizing on paper. So what's the story on them, folks?
  25. The OWNER called you on a Saturday. That's pretty good!
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