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Everything posted by saint.panda

  1. I always thought that Kara was the 5th because of her visions and the comeback from her alleged death, but it doesn't seem to be her. Would be cool if Apollo was the 5th.
  2. That sucks, and just when it was getting good again.
  3. That'd be absolutely ridiculous. I hope the info is wrong.
  4. I still don't know who's the 5th.
  5. Good old Communist times. My dream then was to be a police officer or melon farmer.
  6. I like the switch, nice work!
  7. Sold the headphones only for 8k + shipping but that was almost a year ago.
  8. Just had to sell mine. It really hurts to part with them but once I have money again, I'll be looking forward to rejoin the team.
  9. Congrats on a most happy occasion.
  10. I'm leaving team Stax. Just put my OII and SRM-717 on ebay a few days ago. Desperate for money at the moment. I was hoping not to do it but I already sold everything that can be sold, too bad.
  11. In case anybody is interested, I'm putting my SR-007 and SRM-717 on ebay tomorrow. Headcasers get a 10% or 100 Euro discount, whatever is more.
  12. Equal equity spread among 6 people although some have more say than others and a redistribution of shares might be in order anyway. But he's the guy who programmed the entire backend of our website and these are the only things where he has a bit of a say and I don't want to take that away. But I guess we'll just go with majority vote on this one if I can't convince him otherwise.
  13. He said, and I tend to believe him, that he has enough understanding of the code behind it. The tweakability factor and non-proprietary nature speak in favour of Piwik. I just think that the Analytics / Adwords integration will be quite convenient since we'll probably use it a lot. My preferred option is try both if he so insists but I don't see much hope in convincing him if he sees google as a legion of 50 000 hackers using Stasi methods.
  14. Hm, then the question is more like how do I convince my IT guy otherwise without simply overruling him? Anyways, will figure something out.
  15. I don't know whether I'm just out of touch and ignorant about Google's practices or whether our main IT guy just wants to give us a hard time by refusing to install Google Analyics and comparing Google to the Stasi. He wants to an open source thing called Piwik instead, which seems quite powerful and is actually more tweakable, but doesn't have Google Analytics's neat Adwords integration. I mean what could Google possibly want to do with our website data anyways (other than aggregating it for analysis purposes and for selling me AdWords) and they have thick privacy policy to boot. What do you think?
  16. My version has the Birthday girl and a bonus track. Got it off thepiratebay
  17. Just gave the new album a quick listen, seems solid so far, but I somehow prefer their older stuff. My favourite is still 'Do you Want More?!!!??!' The Birthday Girl video is strange.
  18. Me loves The Roots. Thanks for the heads up.
  20. That's really messed up. It might be a good idea to digg that upcoming headfi thread rather than digg your page if you want to avoid being associated with it. Then again, could be nice publicity if people are smart enough to differentiate between Jena Labs and APS. The VD garden hose thread certainly got a lot of hits. As for digging an article. You have to be a Digg member, then you can digg any article that you come across such as like this: http://digg.com/gadgets/Messing_up_a_1500_headphone_modding_job_2 Alternatively, as the website owner you can add a Digg link on your website where people can click. I'm not quite sure how that works. Never done it before. But they explain it here: http://digg.com/tools/integrate
  21. Alex, you should add a Digg link for that story.
  22. Wow, I'd try to get my $1500 back.
  23. If there's a meet sometime soon, I can bring the OII. You should at least give them a try before committing to the ED9. For the price of a ED9 + cable upgrade + amp, you can easily get the OII + a decent amp. I'm not sure if there were balanced headphones/amps at the recent meet but something like a pair of balanced HD 650s shouldn't be discarded from your options either. Also a lot cheaper than ED9.
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