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Everything posted by crumpler

  1. Amazing rigs here!
  2. Amazing work. Can't believe how close the 2 009s resemble!
  3. Consider using Chrome then if Safari is causing the clipping. Awesome bit of kit that.
  4. For what it's worth, i have been using the Sennheiser PXC360BT (which i understand to be somewhat similar to the MM550, just without the mic) for a bit now and am loving it.
  5. Gorgeous gorgeous amps! Any impressions on how they sound?
  6. Havent heard the K400s personally, so maybe you could describe it's sound signature in greater detail for the uninitiated. And the genre of music you primarily listen too would help a lot as well.
  7. For those not yet in the know, i'm using this Lx-5 auto lens cap now and it works beautifully. No more worrying about the detachable cap.
  8. Looking forward to impressions!
  9. The pricejapan price does sound very attractive for overseas buyers other than from the US then! Decisions!
  10. Thanks for these! Awesome stuff, esp the write-up on the STAX!
  11. Audio-gd DI? Huge bang for buck IMHO.
  12. I'm getting started with an old STAX classic, the SRM-1/Mk2 PP that Spritzer sold from his collection just a while back. And having compared the SRM-1 with the SRM-007tii (stock) at an audio shop, i didn't feel i was missing too much but adopting the older STAX amp. Sorry to say i've no other experience with those amps you listed (SRM-323, SRM-006t or the works).
  13. I had a go with the SR-507s and the O2Mk2 recently and i primarily went with the SR-507s because i felt getting the SR-507s weren't gonna be such a huge compromise as with the earlier lambdas and didn't wanna totally commit into the O2s with the C32 looming around the corner. I had a brief comparison with the SR-207s as well and the 507s were definitely fuller and more mature sounding than the 207s but haven't had a go with the 407s yet which i read to be really close to the sound of the 507s. Anyone had a go with the 507s and 407s or even 307s for that matter?
  14. I agree to that as well. And i personally feel the difference between the O2 and the 507 isn't that great anymore and i am happy as is to stick to my 507s till i get to hear the C32 (hopefully).
  15. Price Japan sells them here, but personally if you have a contact in Japan or a reliable mail forwarding service, amazon.co.jp is a pretty good bet too.
  16. Hopefully not, since my local distributor did promise that he would order a new one for me which will arrive in 1-2weeks once the channel imbalance has been ascertained. Yeah, i have heard about horror stories about people getting their STAX fixed in a timely manner and i'll be sure to report back on the process.
  17. My post was actually directed to Shike with the SR-3s but i do hope you get the channel imbalance sorted out as well. I'm actually experiencing some channel imbalance with my SR-507s too and have sent them for RMA. Hopefully it won't take too long.
  18. You should take a look at the list of the official STAX overseas distributors here. You should be able to secure a RMA even if you are past your first year of warranty, that's what my local distributor told me when i got mine.
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