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Everything posted by purrin

  1. For 507 (or 407) what's a good starter amp? SRM-323, SRM-006t, or other?
  2. From my impressions at the Bay Area meet, n3rling's O2 setup was definitely more accurate. Frank's 507 rig almost sounded like it had a slight U-shaped curve in comparison, with the treble brightness at a higher frequency than most dynamic 'phones - more of an occasional shhh, shhh, than painful ssss, zzzz, ssss, etc. The bass from the 507 on the Eagles live concert CD was very evident and sounded just right for me - for reference, less than Denon / PS1000, more than HD800, and just about where the W1000X's are (though my W1000X's have been dynomatted inside). For a live concert, the 507 bass was definitely convincing and very real. I'm still on the fence on which to get. I might opt for the cheaper option initially while getting a BH or WES built, or letting the dust settle after the C32.
  3. Exchange rates too - at least Yen to USD. It's a fairly recent phenomenon probably related "quantitative easing" by the US Fed. I wish I could buy back my debt too by printing money (or in actuality typing in extra zeros on the electronic ledger)
  4. It all started with The Monkey. He got me to upgrade to a real DAC - then it started - all dynamics (cans) started to sound like...
  5. Heehee. It's all n3rling's fault. Yeah - I can solder. I'll search for the mods and hopefully there will be folks to help me not blow things up. Hmmm on second thought I could go slow, have a KGSS or BH built in the meantime, and maybe grab a used O2 when the "O3" comes out.
  6. I've heard horrible things about the O2 with the SRM727, but is it that bad? Would I be better off with a SR507/SRM323S instead?
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