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Everything posted by Absorbine_Sr

  1. Amen my brother. I gotta try and bring some goodies along for MOA II.
  2. Blue. Just seems more MilSpec.
  3. Agreed. Our dearly departed Gypsy, a retired racing greyhound grabbed a robin in mid flight. It was a pretty stunning thing to see. And they used to pack hunt rabbits that were dumb enough to sneak in a small gap in the fence. The greys always had a very satisfied look after catching a rabbit. Probably because they were never allowed to catch the one at the track.
  4. My cover is blown. Damn you!
  5. Didn't miss me but can you add an XXL for me?
  6. Had a nice warming bowl of split yellow pea soup. Next up, a couple of chorizo tacos.
  7. Jacob - shake it off crybaby. Kidding of course. Your PM's yesterday gave me no clue as to how bad the day had gone. Hang in there and get to Monday and see what the surgeon says. Hard to believe this is the same guy who was in my garage a couple of weeks ago drinking scotch and smoking cigars. Get better so we can repeat that scenario. Besides, I'll need you to get the speaker alignment just perfect.
  8. Nice pics. Al, wearing the colors!!!
  9. Probably butter deep fried in lard.
  10. But Craig, this has happened on your side of the pond as well: http://m.boingboing.net/2009/12/09/famous-architecture.html#previouspost
  11. Bought tickets to see Jimmy Webb in March. MacArthur Park bitches!
  12. Cj, that's nuts. Like Mike said, the terrorists don't need to do anything except laugh as we slowly destroy our own freedoms. I've read about people taking innocent pictures and being harassed, arrested etc. When did we as a country become so damned scared??
  13. It's magically delicious!!
  14. Did a couple of chicken breasts on the grill along with some brussel sprouts. Dressed the sprouts in olive oil, aged balsamic and some kosher salt. Very scrumptious.
  15. Tickets to see Jimmy Webb at SPACE in Evanston March 5th.
  16. Thanks, I think I saw that while searching last night. I've looked at the Omens as well but it seems the Lore might be a better SS choice at 8 ohm impedance vs. 12 for the Omen?
  17. I'm very interested in the Tekton Lore. Has anyone heard these? Thoughts on powering these with solid state, specifically the McIntosh MA5100?
  18. Nah. Real word means working, then relaxing with fine spirits, good food and better friends. It ends up working out pretty well. Congrats dude!
  19. X-rays or it didn't happen. Well, somebody had to do it. I'll be thinking of you my friend.
  20. Dude!?! Not good. Keep us informed, hopefully it's not that bad.
  21. My condolences Steve. My mom is 91 so I can relate. I hope your Grandfather was able to enjoy all of his time down here.
  22. Looks like everyone is having a blast. I really wish I could be there. Really. Right now the wind is howling and there is freezing rain up here.... Have fun folks!!!
  23. Jacob, have you been busy since getting home? http://boingboing.net/2010/12/09/goat-heads-found-on.html
  24. 16 F. outside tonight. Perfect to grill a couple of ribeyes. A couple of salads and we were good to go.
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