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Everything posted by Absorbine_Sr

  1. Happy Birthday sir!! I was glad to see you at Al's and I hope the day turns out excellent for you.
  2. Enjoying a Bloody Mary. Replaced the Louisiana Hot Sauce with a Chinese Garlic Chili sauce we found in a local international market. Lending it a nice burn with a touch of sweetness.
  3. One must retain one's calm demeanor when supervising the children. I love the Van Winkle 12 Lot b. But right now enjoying a Redbreast.
  4. Nothing I can say Nate. My condolences to the family. Al, sorry to hear about your wife's employment situation. With what we are doing to teachers in this country these days, what kind of future generations can we expect?
  5. The Jacob McReks Honorary Suite is always available. Besides, who else lets me spit food at them?
  6. Had Floyd's own beef jerky. Next up is pea soup and a frisee salad.
  7. Lunch at FFF. Lots of good beer currently on tap: Brian Boru, Rabid Rabbit, Behemoth, Cortez, Zombie Dust, Cerveza Mysterio, Topless Wytch, Krunk Monk, Ham on Rye. Too many for one sitting, that's for sure. Having a Brian Boru for starters.
  8. At the Floyds after the very good Webb show. Currently having a Rabid Rabbit. And for those who have made the pilgrimage, Topless Wytch is next.
  9. Campy? Not so much. Check out his 10 Easy Pieces album where he performs his own songs in fairly stripped down versions.
  10. Nice. Having a Belhaven Wee Heavy while waiting to see Jimmy Webb.
  11. Guinness Black Lager.
  12. Set up the M-22 and it is sounding glorious with the Tekton's. Tonight we're seeing Jimmy Web at SPACE in Evanston. Melting in the dark, all the sweet green icing flowing down...
  13. You're a good Monkey Dinny.
  14. Hendricks martini.
  15. Happy Birthday Nate!
  16. Happy Birthday Sir!!!
  17. Meh. A liver can be replaced. How are you Ken?
  18. Several G&T's down, I'm now enjoying a generous pour of Redbreast while listening to Absolutely Live by The Doors. I think my mind may be blown.
  19. Cheers Al! Enjoy the Pliny. Hendricks G&T here. With orange bitters. Thanks Jacob.
  20. And, what the hell - a New Glarus Spotted Cow and another Van Winkle. Off to the "Anyone else drunk?" thread next.
  21. lol. Al, you fucking kill me.
  22. More Van Winkle 12. Seems to be fitting the mood.
  23. I like. Not overpowering, so you can drink two or three. Mild chocolate overtones with a coffee layer in there too.
  24. Two Brothers Northwind Imperial Stout and a Van Winkle 12 year.
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