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Everything posted by Absorbine_Sr

  1. Having a Knob Creek 9 yr. Bloody Mary. Saw it mentioned online and the bourbon gives it a wonderful aroma and mild sweetness. I like.
  2. Wow, iPhone autocorrect did tha last post in. Home now. Sunburned, tired. A good day overall.
  3. At a friends now eating brisket,smoked pork. shooter sammich, hot Italian sausage and several salads. May begging back to FFF to help a friend get his cull 8 bottles of DL.
  4. Mike, we shared a Weasel at DLD. I love that beer.
  5. Amen brother. I thought the line for Pliny was long. But once they started letting people in it went pretty quick. The line for t-shirts was taking longer than the DL line.
  6. emelius, if you see a fat, bald guy in a Pliny the Elder t-shirt, accompanied by a woman in a Russian River Damnation t-shirt, that will be us. Have a great time!
  7. Awake and getting ready. Is 6:00 AM too early for a warm up beer?
  8. Good on you raffy. Debbie loves Two Hearted.
  9. Heading towards Perfect Manhattan #3. And a wonderful night of music and drunkenness.
  10. ^^^ Nice. Redbreast Perfect Manhattan for me.
  11. Happy Birthday Ryan!! Enjoy the day my friend. (from the look of that beer list you will)
  12. Congrats Jim. I will toast you with a cocktail tonight.
  13. Bell's Best Brown Ale.
  14. Damn John, so sorry for Ollie. I'm hoping the best scenario is the one it ends up being.
  15. 3 Kings, Amon Amarth Ragnarok, New Albanian Old 15 and Southern Tier Jahva. At the Floyds if there was any doubt.
  16. Yep, April 30th is the day. And if it's any consolation John, you would not have been allowed in without a ticket. And tickets this year sold out in about 5 minutes. We were running 6 computers among 5 people and I was the only one who got tickets. They had to change it from past years free-for-all as last year they had over 10,000 people attend and the town they are in was not going to tolerate it this year. I'll be there early and hanging for a while but then a bunch of us will be gathering at a friends house for additional libations.
  17. Three Kings American pale ale, a collaboration between FFF and Sun King.
  18. Happy birthday youngster!!
  19. Amon Amarth Ragnarok porter.
  20. Arroz Valencia short grain rice for paella.
  21. Make sure and get some rest for yourself Shelly. Beefy, great news. Al, I'm thinking many good thoughts for the MOTDOTU. Me, not much. It's a nice, boring Saturday here. Work has been interesting as they are reorganizing departments. My job will be changing but nothing drastic. It may be good, it may not, but over my 15 years there I've learned to ride these changes out. Eventually it changes again and comes back to me so I'm pretty calm about it all. Just kicking back and enjoying life.
  22. Griot's Garage machine wax and polish kit.
  23. Excellent news Shelly!
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