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Everything posted by Absorbine_Sr

  1. Saw this on Reddit. $3.65 for 5L. Calling Mikey - I think we need a review:
  2. Hmmm.... depending on when Oz Fest happens, this might be a good chance to get out east and hang with the cool kids.
  3. I LOL'd again. Ken's on a streak.
  4. Agreed. Don't miss this one. Texas should be awesome.
  5. Fax chili when ready please.
  6. What he said. In French as well.
  7. Huh.... I'm not really surprised by any of this.... Awesome job Allison!
  8. Good luck Jacob!!
  9. Sad news on the cat, Ken. 14 years is a good run but it's always difficult at the end.
  10. So I'm beginning to think, due to lack of response, that this is a dead event? Unless I hear different in this thread Debbie and I will be looking for alternative lodging as we'd still like to attend the race rather than sell our tickets.
  11. Happy Birthday Marc!
  12. The band was excellent and John was in good form. Unfortunately, after the Crazy Horse show a couple weeks ago and this show tonight, I'm about to give up going to concerts in Chicago. We seem to constantly be surrounded by people who spend the entire fucking show talking at the top of their lungs about whatever mundane fucking horseshit they think is important in their pissant little lives. We asked one pair if they would shut up, but there were probably 10 more people around us yacking away. It seems to happen all the time now and most people don't seem to care. But if I'm paying $100 for tickets, $20 for parking and another $40 for drinks, I want to hear the fucking band. /rant
  13. Mike and Debbie will be in attendance.
  14. Waiting to see Public Image Limited.
  15. Good thoughts for your cat Ken. We'll miss you in Texas.
  16. Yep, I'd encourage this too. But you alone know the situation. It'd just be good to have some Monkey time. Oh, and I did get you 24th spot on the grid for the F1 race..... Debbie and I are both in of course. We have tickets for all three days of the race and will probably be at the track from about 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We'll try to retain enough stamina to party in the evenings. We are driving, so we can bring 2 queen size air beds. And other things (beer).
  17. Marc, we can probably bring an inflatable mattress or two if you'd like. We used one for the Chicago get together and it was quite useful.
  18. Happy Birthday to all three of you fellas!!
  19. Have a wonderful birthday Vicki!
  20. Pig Mayhem and Poutine.
  21. Blood Lust burger.
  22. New menu at church. What to choose?
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