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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Absorbine_Sr

  1. Excellent news! Reward him with a glass of water!
  2. Happy Birthday!!
  3. Happy Birthday!!
  4. Sherlock Season 3 Episode 1.
  5. Next time you're here it'll be on the menu Raffy.
  6. Hash and Bloody Mary's for breakfast. The hash is a Giada DeLaurentiis recipe we modified slightly. Bacon, potatoes, salami, bell pepper and spinach are the main components. And Debbie enjoyed some seafood with her beverage. Happy New Year HC!
  7. Happy New Year to my extended family. I hope 2014 is awesome for all of you.
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Happy Birthday my friend. May your knives stay sharp and your shovel swift. Cheers!
  10. I have a love/hate for Michael. He was integral in bringing my beloved Ferrari back to the pinnacle of racing, but he could be such a dick. Still, that's water under the bridge and I do hope he can recover from this tragedy.
  11. Happy Birthday!!
  12. Speedy recovery Ken!
  13. The awesomeness of this pic is off the scale.
  14. Happy Birthday gents!!
  15. Happy Kringle to all!!
  16. Happy Birthday Ken!!
  17. Happy Belated Birthday and congrats on the impending twins.
  18. Also recently passed, Tom Laughlin (Billy Jack) at 82. I never cared for him or his movies, but what the heck. RIP.
  19. If Debbie and I each get a local pair of tickets that's two people we could get in. But there is a caveat to that. Her family has helped us get in a couple of times when we could not get in. Should a significant family member not score tickets we would be obliged to cover them first. I don't hold out much hope but I will talk to my good friends Greg and Steve at FFF to see if there is any way I can get a small allotment to cover our needs. In the past this has not been possible but it's worth asking about.
  20. Accommodations will not be an issue as people can stay at the Absorbine Inn or nearby establishments, and we can then caravan to FFF. What WILL be a problem is ticketing for the event. Traditionally, tickets go on sale online on St. Patrick's day, March 17th. Those tickets are not hard to get, they are impossible to get. Last year they were gone in approximately 2 minutes. But, the last 2 years FFF have made tickets available for local folks on two Sunday's before the event. This is not a known quantity as they tweet in the morning that tickets will be on sale that day. And even this is not an easy thing, as the person buying the tickets gets their name on the tickets. So if I buy the limit (2 tickets), my name goes on them. I can bring one guest, but I have to show ID on DLD and thus have to be there. So to get people in on DLD we will need enough people here to buy tickets locally who are then willing to go to DLD and take one of you folks in as their guest. Bottom line - I think Bryan and I need to see who we can assemble from the local pool to see if this could be pulled off.
  21. One of my favorite movie lines is from My Favorite Year. O'Toole's character is drunk and taking a piss in the ladies room. Woman walks in, sees him and says "Sir, this is for ladies!" O'Toole turns to her, still holding his dick and says "Madam, so is this, but sometimes I need to run some water through it." (Paraphrasing from memory)
  22. Yeah. I loved Peter O'Toole. I will be watching The Ruling Class for sure this week. And probably My Favorite Year. And more than likely Lawrence of Arabia.
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