What he said. I worked for a major insurance company many years ago. During the training phase I was not dependent on commision but was paid a salary. I went through the training and did not have to pay money up front. I worked there for a little over 1 year, but as someone else mentioned, I had a problem with some of the tactics they taught you to use. This may not have been endorsed by the company itself, but by older salesmen there. But the comapany seemed happy to turn a blind eye. I never could get my head around some of these methods. My favorite was when trying to sell a husband life insurance, make sure the wife is there too. That way, if he turns it down, you can turn to her and say "well, if he really loved you, he would not turn this down." Pretty cold.
But they are not all like this and times have changed to. If the career interests you, search out some of the better companies. Don't fall for the good salesman.