That disposition sounds very much like she has some greyhound in her. I had the pleasure of owning five of them and every one was a sweet soul. And Suzie looks downright gorgeous. Good thing she chose you!
Welcome to Head-Case Susie and congratulations on adopting that old softie Steve. You'll probably have to clean up after him now and then, but he has a heart of gold.
I added an Airport Extreme a few weeks ago. It's up in the back bedroom of the townhouse and it has definitely improved the range over our previous DLink 802.11g. Before the change I couldn't use my MBP on the deck, now I get full bars.
That was my suspicion. The remixes sound way too "hot" for me and I think they lose much of the subtlety of the music. I had hoped the vinyl version would be different but oh well. Thanks!
Does anyone have the 70-75 Genesis vinyl box set? I have the cd/DVD box and never really liked the sound. Has anyone heard the vinyl editions and are they more representative of the originals?