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Everything posted by Absorbine_Sr

  1. How about ChiDrunkAmI?
  2. Listening/Viewing
  3. You are so going to mix some cocktails for me one of these days...
  4. Yeah, this will go in the music room since I don't want to put another cable box in. If I like it we'll add another downstairs.
  5. Pre-ordered.
  6. Cute purr monster!
  7. Was assigned an impossible project today with an even more impossible set of deadlines. I needed a challenge.
  8. Got my email too. Thought I hadn't but the damn thing went into my spam pile....
  9. Fahrvergn
  10. That disposition sounds very much like she has some greyhound in her. I had the pleasure of owning five of them and every one was a sweet soul. And Suzie looks downright gorgeous. Good thing she chose you!
  11. I love mine Dinny. It's been everything I want in a home computer.
  12. June 11th I believe.
  13. Welcome to Head-Case Susie and congratulations on adopting that old softie Steve. You'll probably have to clean up after him now and then, but he has a heart of gold.
  14. Touch
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Got word that my LCD-2's should ship this coming week.
  17. I added an Airport Extreme a few weeks ago. It's up in the back bedroom of the townhouse and it has definitely improved the range over our previous DLink 802.11g. Before the change I couldn't use my MBP on the deck, now I get full bars.
  18. Salt for the water softener.
  19. Big congratulations John!!!
  20. Happy Birthday Matt!!
  21. That was my suspicion. The remixes sound way too "hot" for me and I think they lose much of the subtlety of the music. I had hoped the vinyl version would be different but oh well. Thanks!
  22. Does anyone have the 70-75 Genesis vinyl box set? I have the cd/DVD box and never really liked the sound. Has anyone heard the vinyl editions and are they more representative of the originals?
  23. I've actually been thinking about a Schiit Asgard as a budget way to go ss with the LCD's. That is if I ever get them...
  24. Vizio E322VL 32" LCD HDTV with Vizio Internet Apps. Video for the music room. With WiFi so I can stream Netflix etc.
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