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Cee Tee

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Cee Tee

  1. ^Wow, that scotch has a good list of allergens disclosed. Would love to know the "crustacean" content!
  2. Oh man, Larry...I have this scrunchy/pained look on my face just reading about all of this and seeing the pictures. Your tone is really straightforward, you must still be in shock over the situation. I'll check in after a while to see how you and McKenna are doing. Really glad that you are able to post here but worried about McKenna's pain.
  3. ^Really nice! I have a Seiko 5 Military and have wanted one of these. But that is just purty.
  4. ^WHAT?
  5. I love the smokiness of the Havana Club 7 rum. Have you tried making a Papa Doble with it?
  6. True- posted quickly and remembered after I ran out that my friend visited the Buffalo Trace distillery and brought me back a bottle with a buffalo nickel on it. More untruth in labeling. Apologies.
  7. Hmmm, I wonder if this is why I think High West and Eagle Rare taste so similar??: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/07/28/your-craft-whiskey-is-probably-from-a-factory-distillery-in-indiana.html
  8. Einsturzende Neubaten playing or NON-colorful <anything> to hide the speakers. Those colors were really eye-catching.
  9. Congrats! Very sweet-looking too...
  10. I'm trying it, thanks! Quirky interface, I thought I was adding albums to my library but I guess if I hit the back button it does not save them? I'll play with it more tomorrow. Nice to have the content on the MacBook Air anywhere I have a connection.
  11. Al, always wondered: did Palm/Samsung have any special patents around the icons on the screen of the SPH-i300? I had one of these in 2001 and loved it: http://zatz.com/computingunplugged/article/the-samsung-sph-i300-a-great-combination-device/
  12. Cee Tee


  13. Cee Tee


    Love playing chess. Bought the movie "Searching for Bobby Fischer" and have subjected all family members to it. Fun to learn about building up attacks on squares to control real estate (rather than just trying to win pieces) and increasing the dynamic value of pieces in relation to the opponent. The subtle things build up and then later positions can seem "beautiful".
  14. Happy Birthday, John!!
  15. Happy Birthday to you, Sir!
  16. Thanks, screaming oranges. Might have to get a black one.
  17. Cee Tee


    Humble Bundle Deal Currently: $4.48 to get all 6 games. Pay what you want and get the first installment of the critically-acclaimed Batman: Arkham franchise, Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition, as well as both of the intensely frightening paranormal shooters F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin and F.E.A.R. 3 and the groundbreaking action-RPG, Lord of the Rings: War in the North! Pay more than the average and you’ll also unlock Scribblenauts Unlimited and the sequel to Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition.
  18. Hi Kerry, My plan is to prototype the faceplate design, revise until "good", and then go to CNC with a brushed aluminum faceplate as the final product. I was hoping to see more custom case design and fabrication by everyone on the boards...so it's nice to see your work and machine! The gray model that you see is only a small-scale 3D print I made to try out the www.shapeways.com service and to give me an idea of the look with color applied. This "aluminide" material can only be printed in a fairly small size and I think it is just a white substrate sprayed with aluminum powder/dust (as it seems to come off easily). In this small of a size, it isn't even that helpful for being able to visualize a full-sized part. I also had a hollowed out but full-scale file (prepped for 3D printing parameters) to get a better idea of the shape. This larger print showed me that my curves are too aggressive. I am going to reduce the thickest area of the plate and elongate/flatten the curve out a bit plus increase the thinnest portion of the "wave". Glad I made a large prototype. (This is my first design and DIY faceplate.) For the small and large faceplates + the four knobs it cost me about $120 in two shipments for the 3D prints. The gray one is very much like sandstone and sheds powder. The white one is very thin and actually a bit pliable. Note: Text was enlarged on the white model to meet service's recommended 3D printing spec. Will retain much smaller text in the design and final CNC production.
  19. Cee Tee


    Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go now...and get this app!
  20. Nice! I am trying to get the curves right on a faceplate design for the KGSSHV (printed by shapeways.com in alumide at 1/4 scale):
  21. I also love the SR-Omega. Heard n3rdling's a couple of times before he sold them and he thought there might be a pattern of HD800 people liking that particular model. Really wish they still made them too...
  22. ^Chinese and surprisingly well-done with a Sea-Gull ST17 movement.
  23. Forgive me for posting a Bauhaus "homage" a la Nomos/Stowa, but I am really enjoying this Rodina at ~$120 and not cringing when I bump into something. Surprised at the quality and detail so far:
  24. Cee Tee


    ^Thanks!!! I can't find my PS disc and accidentally deleted my Camera Raw files when I was doing some "clean-up". This gets me back up and running.
  25. Cee Tee


    Dagnabit! Requires different stones than Chicago Cutlery but I wish I had seen this! Sabatier = not bad. $11 = not bad at all.
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