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High Rollers
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Everything posted by laxx

  1. That does suck. My friend has his iPhone stolen from his work desk around 2 years back.
  2. Wow, great colors. That's my biggest complaint between my f4 and f2.8 IS. Color is washed out on the 2.8
  3. Don't you already have 2 5D's?
  4. Any theme?
  5. Definitely. There are so many new cards and abilities now. What's your all black deck consist of? Beta Arabian Nights Antiquities The Legends The Dark Homelands Ice Age ... Where's the cut off?
  6. After using my S90/95 for a year, I finally picked up my 40D to shoot some pics during a family get together during Christmas. It makes me never want to use the S95 whenever possible. Baconnnn.
  7. Went to work, came home, ate dinner. Rearranged some of my MTG decks in anticipation of playing a friend this weekend.
  8. I love mine, I had it on my S90 and it felt weird without it on my S95.
  9. Watched the Giants not make the playoffs.
  10. Going with female friends can be a good thing if they're chill. Some of our female friends go out and look for girls and bring them to us. Then others are cock blocks and never get invited again. heh
  11. Hit up a club with a bunch of my friends. Had a good time, until I found out the girls some of us were with... go to HS. How the hell do they get in...
  12. Just woke up, lol. Gonna go hit the gym now.
  13. I couldn't stand the sound of the Shure E500's I used to own. I preferred the Altec Lansing im716's hugely over them.
  14. laxx

    slow forum

  15. HF-2 > RS-2. I sold my RS-2's after getting my HF-2's.
  16. Still at work, getting ready to head out until 2011!
  17. I hear don't send them in to get customed.
  18. Most people who create threads asking for advice already have their minds made up and are just looking for people to agree with them. Honestly, if you don't go custom, go Etymotic ER-4 or Triple-fi 10 (if you can get them for a good price, they're awesome for $100). It's that simple.
  19. Worked til 10pm. Took the bus home, got back around midnight. Going to bed to start my day out early tomorrow. Definitely going back to the gym!
  20. I'd hop on that in a heart beat.
  21. I picked up my 40D after a long time of not using it. It makes me want to sell my S95. =T
  22. Office is closed, but those who can work from home are supposed to. =[
  23. Macross Frontier.
  24. We got a shit ton in NYC last night. Shoveled twice last night and about to go out for another round.
  25. Eat eat eat eat! Had some crown roast + chestnut/bacon stuffing for an early dinner. Felt pretty hungry around normal dinner time, so had some chili with bread. Then just ate a native Taiwanese snack made of taro and some japanese sweet potato.
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