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High Rollers
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Everything posted by laxx

  1. Woah, those Cider Donuts are huge! WANT
  2. Yea, I need to stop partying. It's causing a huge drain on my wallet. I hate spending $150-200 each night I go out... a few nights a week.
  3. I can do tomorrow night (8th) if you guys are up for something. I'm still in Electric Zoo withdrawl, can't concentrate!!!!
  4. Stayed home to recover from Electric Zoo this past weekend. So many DJ's impressed me, I went in there with such low expectations of them, but they blew me away!
  5. I could have stayed home but trekked it in today. Wishing I stayed home, I could be gaming all day instead, hah.
  6. It makes such a big difference. There's a few more tweaks out there that you can do, but link covers 99% of them. I overclocked min with F15C Eagle to 1.7 Ghz and it's a world's difference. I'm really enjoying mine.
  7. livewire, definitely do these tweaks. HUGE improvement http://www.precentral.net/new-touchpad-tips-apps-accessories
  8. What list are you on? I want to get another for my parents.
  9. 32Gb HP Touchpad and a case.
  10. Scan of the bad roll?
  11. I have a 70-200 f4 you could use if you want.
  12. Yea Geico has a window company, but because of all the claims from Monday, the next appointment available isn't until next Friday. I have that booked as I don't need my car all that frequently and I have access to other cars, so there's no rush. On my way home yesterday, I did expect to find my car with tons of dents. I figure if the hail can shatter my windshield, it can definitely dent my car. I have about 20 dents across my roof and hood. It shouldn't be too hard to fix though. Congrats dude.
  13. Double post.
  14. One of my neighbors is awesome and saw that my windshield was cracked, so covered it for me (the above picture's work was his), so the interior is basically dry. I did not check to see if there was any other damage, I'm really hoping there isn't as full glass coverage means both windshields are being replaced for free, but anything in addition I'd have to cover the deductable first. I'm definitely checking my other windows, sunroof (moonroof? What's the difference?), and for any dents. I honestly don't care much for dents, but glass on the other hand... I did not see any other cars damaged in my area as well. I have a friend who lives fairly close who had his windshield cracked, and that's about all I've heard. As bad as this was, it's not nearly as bad as the houses at the bottom of the block. Some had waist level flooding in their basements!!
  15. Spent all of last night calling Geico and Verizon. My router/modem died, so they're replacing that. The hail in East Queens/Long Island shattered my rear and cracked my front windshields. =T
  16. I'm refusing to give Logitech my money ($20 per cable + $6 shipping) every few months. It's pretty ridiculous that a cable breaks as easily as this one. The first time I complained, they just mailed me an entire refurbished Triplefi 10 Pro, which was very kind of them, but not going through 2 sets of replacement cables, I don't want to spend any more money for some throw away cable that's not at a throw away price.
  17. I don't know about you guys, but the VI cable keeps breaking for me (every few months of daily usage). If this is the case for others, what have you done to prevent this? Has anyone tried an aftermarket cable? I really don't want to deal with this problem again (3 times so far). Any help would be appreciated!
  18. Thanks everyone! Been crazy busy with work and starting the process of buying an apartment! Another year older and hopefully wiser. Though I do like to tell people that it's the curious case of Steve and that I'm now a year younger than last.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvfDqF0-2yg
  20. laxx


    Just got the skeleton 6497 in today and will be ordering case and hands tomorrow!
  21. Gun metal 6497.
  22. Physical max. Say you have a 70-200 f4 with a 2x extender. That would leave you at f8, where only the 1 series will AF.
  23. Ticket for Saturday's Electonic Dance Music NYC party.
  24. I'll be heading over in the early afternoon.
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