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Everything posted by chinsettawong

  1. My SR-407 isn't that comfortable either. The headband of SR-202 is more comfortable for me.
  2. Hi Lil Knight, My friends in Thailand ask me to buy some PCB for them. So the new total for me is now 18 sets of KGSSHV, 7 on and 11 off. I would like to have 2 extra psu boards. I've updated the spreadsheet. Thanks for arranging this GB. Wachara C.
  3. Hi Lil Knight, I would like to have one set of KGSSHV, please. I've updated the spreadsheet. Wachara C.
  4. Hi Soldermizer, Please do post some pictures. I really like to see how you make them. Wachara C.
  5. The headphones look nice. I'm a bit surprised to see that the open area of the stator is so less. Wachara C.
  6. I like your idea "Staxes for the masses". Looking forward to seeing them. Wachara C.
  7. Payment done! Thanks for doing this for us. Wachara C.
  8. Hi Spritzer, Thanks for your explanation. Do you think that the chance of arcing will be less if the stators are coated with insulation paint? I always put a layer of insulation on my stators, and I have never experience any burnt driver yet. My highest bias voltage was 1.2KV. Wachara C.
  9. Why will the drivers go bye-bye? Wachara C.
  10. Hi Frank, Thanks for sharing your design. I might try to build it, if you don't mind. Wachara C.
  11. Hi Frank, Yes, I'm very interested in the detailed list of the component values, if you don't mind. Wachara C.
  12. Hi Frank, That looks like a nice little amp. Thanks for sharing. Wachara C.
  13. Glad to hear that everything is back to order now. About your question, personally I do not think that it's a good idea to keep the amp on all the time. Yes, it will take a little while for the headphones and the amp to be at their best condition. I would say 20-30 minutes of warming up is enough. Wachara C.
  14. Have you checked if your fuse is blown? Wachara C.
  15. Please count me in for 2 sets of PCB or assembled version. Wachara C.
  16. Will there ever be another run of the T2 PCB? I'm so very interested in building one. Wachara C.
  17. The 507 and 407 are indeed very close. The only thing that I notice is that the bass on 507 is a little bit better. Wachara C.
  18. I hope they are just BB guns.
  19. Hi Forbigger, It's nice to see somebody who knows me. Thanks! I can't say that I'm as knowledgeable as Spritzer, but I do learn a lot about electrostatic headphones the hard way. Wachara C.
  20. When a bias wire is about to come loose, you sometime can hear that tiny, random static sound too. You could open the headphones up and check; then maybe resolder the wire. Wachara C.
  21. I just got my 407 today, and wow. Playing with my DIY amp, it sounds great. Wachara C.
  22. What machines are those? Wachara C.
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