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Everything posted by Edwood

  1. So fucking sad that I will never have Hot Dougs again. I will drown my sorrow in smoked brisket and Russian River on Monday.
  2. Memorial Day Brisket prepped for the smoke tomorrow. Check out that Prime marbling in the Flat area. Wow.
  3. Too lazy to knead shit by hand, hence why I got a bread machine. Also, I don't have a stand mixer anyways. Maybe I'll make some dough by hand, especially if I'm going to bake some sourdough country style loaves in my grill. But most of the time I plan to be a lazy batard. I'd at least like to have control, over the ingredients in my bread. Decided to branch out into bread, as I'm already a master of my meat. Oh wait, that sounds to rightfully wrong...
  4. Fortunately, no Celiac Disease in my family, so we can have all the gluten we want. Just that pesky diabetes thing lurking in the background. We don't eat bread all the time, but would like quality over quantity.
  5. So I have a Zojirushi BB-PAC20 Home Bakery Virtuoso Breadmaker on it's way to me. (Damn UPS and their unexplained delays, won't get it until Tuesday, May 27 now) Really want to get into making real Sourdough, including making / maintaining a Starter culture. Should I go for it and make a wild yeast sourdough starter from scratch with just flour and water, or get a starter elsewhere as a seed? Was thinking of this one, I can appreciate the irony of this guy's name. http://www.sourdo.com/cultures/original-san-francisco/ Anyone else into making their own bread, the hands on way and the higher tech lazy way like I'm going to do?
  6. First one bored the shit out of me. Can't even finish the second one. Maybe I'll revisit later.
  7. Late to the Party. You guys sold me. Going to check it out.
  8. I know answers to all your questions, greymarine. But I can't say anything.
  9. Edwood


    I've been a fan of Louie CK for quite some time. Even his failed TV Series of a similar name to the current FX show now titled "Louie". The latest Episode #2 of Season 4 was simply brilliant. The most hysterically uncomfortable show ever.
  10. It's missing brilliant pebbles...
  11. Mmmm, awesome looking ribs, I have Traeger surface area envy.
  12. A Tale of Two Alcoholic BBQ Sauces One Savory.... One Sweet... Both kicked up a notch. The Stone Smoked Porter with Vanilla Bean Sauce is mostly Beer, Butter, and Hot Sauce. (1 cup of Beer) The Bourbon Sauce is mostly Bourbon, Ketchup, and Molasses. (3 cups worth of Bourbon) Oh, and the Glenrothes is not used in the sauce, it's because the Bourbon Sauce takes the longest to make, about an hour and a half at least.
  13. Oh, man, that's a sausage fest I could really get into!
  14. Another Butt.
  15. Speaking of ribs, some St. Louis Ribs I did a few weeks ago. Bourbon Sauce. Yes, I used nearly the entire bottle.
  16. Mass Market sound at Audiophile prices. What could go wrong?
  17. The strategy seems pretty thought out. HE-560 is a step up successor to the HE-500. But there's still room for an HE-670 or something named like that. Given that Fang redesigned the driver completely for the HE-560, I'm sure there will be something similar for the HE-6's successor. But yeah, I'd like to swap out the headband of the HE-6 with the HE-560's headband.
  18. I'll report back on the dust situation. Builds up fast at my place.
  19. They took the advantages of a huge driver surface area and threw it out the window by covering most of the driver and porting it through a smaller circular hole.
  20. Yeah, the new pads are based on jerg's design. Definitely getting them for my HE-6. I'd actually love the new headband for my HE-6 as well, haha.
  21. 14 months? Most likely old ones. Try the HE-560 pads obthe HE-6.
  22. HiFiMan EF-6. Also tried Pico Power and Balanced Amp Card in an HM-901. Using HM-901 as a source. Sounds the best out of the EF-6, which was not surprising at all. Kind of a hybrid. It's not nearly as aggressive as the HE-6's viseral punch. Smoother and more laid back, but plenty of guts, particularly in the bass region. I'm still favoring the HE-6 currently. But the HE-560 is more comfortable (because of new ear pads and headband) to wear and less fatiguing. But for those that have an HE-6, I'd definitely get a pair of the new ear pads. I tried them on my HE-6 and really liked the results. They're supposed to be sold on their own as well. I don't have an HE-500 to compare, but am looking into getting an HE-500 to compare to the HE-560.
  23. Since I've owned the K1000's at one point, I simply don't care what I look like when I wear headphones, heheh. I don't have the HE-500's, so I can't directly compare to the HE-500 right now. So far, the HE-560's treble is smoother and not quite as extended as the HE-6. So it lacks the level of "sparkle" that the HE-6 has, but some would call that sibilance. Basically, the HE-560 is less picky about amps and sources. But it's still an orthodynamic headphone, so a monster amp is still needed for the best transient response.
  24. Edwood

    Audeze LCD-X

    I seem to prefer the LCD-3 to the LCD-X, mainly because the LCD-3 is more resolving of details to me. But the LCD-3 is so dark sounding though. The LCD-XC were too honky sounding in the mid treble region, did not like them.
  25. Review in Progress. So far, I'm very impressed. Other than better fit and finish than the CES Prototypes, my opinions so far are similar to when I heard the Prototypes Sound Quality impressions so far: Faster, tighter, and smoother sound than the HE-6. A bit less bass, but significantly tighter and noticeably quicker. Probably thanks to the much lighter drivers. Speaking of weight, I measured the weights of the HE-560 and HE-6. Quite a difference. Also the new Headband is a huuuuuuuge improvement. Only headphone more comfortable is my R10's, but the ear pads being full leather were sweaty in warm weather. I much prefer the hybrid leather (pleather?) Velour faced ear pads. As much as I liked the Abyss headphones I heard at the March 22 SoCal Head-FI meet, the HE-560 impresses me more, since it will likely be 1/5 the price of the Abyss medieval torture device.
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