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Everything posted by Edwood

  1. As long as Rickcr42 continued to be a mod on the Head-fi DIY forum, I stopped posting there. I had instead gone back to Headwize (started there first like many others) to post DIY stuff. Although I think it will be some time before I get heavily involved in the Head-fi DIY forum in the future, as the heavy handed moderation (read. Rick) had created a chilling effect on the DIY community there. He openly attacked DIY solder by numbers people and then pretty much everyone else, and lo and behold, not a single new project made it to "Group Buy" status. And all that was left was the n00bs he so hated. As for my opinions about DIY Forum location? Headwize has been there from the beginning, and Chu Moy made some rather significant upgrades to the forum, and the bandwidth is vastly improved. So, I really don't see the need to move it here. Honestly, I'm still going to frequent Head-fi alot, but the Off Topic Member's Lounge has been getting over-moderated lately (usually is a cycle, though) With the demise of Certifiably Inane, I like the relatively uncensored Off Topic forum here. Heck, might as well call it CI 2.0 So really, I am more or less here for the pretzels. -Ed
  2. Too bad Pinky dropped out. I blame it on the dog or hamsters. -Ed
  3. I'm looking foward to having a kid that will learn to take care of themself as they grow up. Our 17 yr old poodle won't do anything by herself now. She barks, demanding to be picked up, fed, held over the grass to pee. and she doesn't bother to tell us when she needs to poop. She just poops and then barks at us to clean it up. LOL. She has us trained very well. -Ed
  4. Was that the thread where someone admitted to working for Bose? I sooooo reported his ass. I really really really wanted to see him labelled as "Member of the Trade: BOSE " -Ed
  5. Yay! Pretzels are in the lead! I knew some of the Churros voters in the v1.0 thread were more of Pretzel haters than Churros lovers. -Ed
  6. Gotta give props to Morimoto and his frequent use of Kimchee power. -Ed
  7. cetoole, you rock! I have no idea why I couldn't find those on Mouser before. Thanks! -Ed
  8. You mean this R10 Smiley I made? And yes, I require an evil smiley. It is very important to me. :evil: <--see? it's 2nd nature to me. -Ed *Edit, I just realized that the stretching headband sling thing is missing from my R10 smiley, I'll have to fix that when I get back to LA.
  9. Yeah, I wasn't imaginging those prototype modules. They look tasty. Justin, you are the consummate perfectionist. I hope you can work out those issues with your new modules, that probably I will only notice. -Ed
  10. You of all people should not be giving people that idea. You have had so many of your cans out and about on loan to others. Hey, can I "borrow" your HE90's? LOL, although, you would only need to drive down to kick my ass and take your cans back. -Ed
  11. I got to listen to the prototype one at the last SoCal meet, and it sounded great with my K1000's, with plenty of headroom to spare. The front panel turned out great. I especially like the new ring bezels around the 1/4" jacks and the XLR outputs in the front. Very nice touch of detail. I still can't believe Justin finishes that enclosure by hand, he is an uber perfectionist. -Ed
  12. Oh, yeah. I like pretzels. Particularly the Trader Joes Chocolate covered Peanut Butter filled ones, and soft pretzels. -Ed
  13. Since we can't talk about pretzels at all on a certain other unnamed forum.... Team Pretzel vs. Team Churros Continue! -Ed
  14. Notice that there is "Lock/Unlock" button at the bottom of threads you start? (for the non-mods out there). Also, removeal of a thread is possible too. Is this a good idea? Never seen this option for general members in a forum before. -Ed
  15. Hmmmm. I apparently I suck at the internet. Goto http://www.head-case.org/index.php?action=profile;u=27;sa=theme Check off "Return to topics after posting by default." Perhaps it could be enabled by default for new registrations? It's like that in most PHP based forums at least. -Ed
  16. This thread is an indication that this forum is off to a great start. LONG LIVE C I !!!!!!! -Ed
  17. It returns me to the forum root instead of the thread I was posting in. Perhaps this could be an option at least, where I post, and it keeps me in that thread? -Ed
  18. For those that have not been following Tangent's thread on Headwize. http://headwize.com/ubb/showpage.php?fnum=3&tid=5806 No more board chopping in half, and apparently bye bye to the TLE rail splitter (yay). Now where can I order some SMD 0.1% thin film resistors?....... -Ed
  19. If you take a look at the innards, the modules in the GS-X is not of the Dynalo flavor. If you look closely, he has mosfets in there with little heatsinks attached to them. -Ed
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