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Everything posted by Edwood

  1. Edwood

    Head-fi is down?

    Head-Fi is down again. -Ed
  2. Post pics and keep us updated when you can. I'm sure we can have some fun photoshopping the pics a bit. I'm thinking some 50's style safety posters. Although it sounds like it will require minimal photoshopping. -Ed
  3. Scientology is so last century. It's all about the Super Adventure Club now!!! -Ed
  4. Edwood

    Head-fi is down?

    It's been running noticeably slower for me lately, especially today. I was actually too busy to notice the bigger outtages earlier on. -Ed
  5. Can we start a donation and an offering wishlist at Head-wize? I'm sure between all of us, we can at least scrounge up enough spare parts to help out. If you don't mind having to deal with an influx of multiple components and assembling a PC from scratch, perhaps incomplete for some time until all parts are in. -Ed
  6. OK, GE needs to have Drug Dealer added to his Custom Rank. -Ed
  7. A rule to live by. -Ed
  8. Any Scientologists here? ALL HAIL LORD XENU!!!! -Ed
  9. Heheh, you know how the joke goes. You get married and you can only have sex with one woman. You have kids and you can have sex with no women. Yeah, I'm not a virgin. But I am an ass virgin, and intend to stay that way as well. I wouldn't enjoy it, nor having 'roids as well. -Ed
  10. Wow, LN2 carried around like laundry detergent? Nice. Was hoping there was a "Darwin Award" nominee here. -Ed
  11. Fuck that. No need for censorship, quarantine forums. As far as I'm concerned Off-Topic = CI !!!! -Ed
  12. There's a time limit for editting? Oh well. Not like I'm going to spend a lot of time spell chekcing of editrtting mylself hwerer. I can typw all fuckedd up alala I awwant. 0Ed
  13. I think this forum is a healthy outlet for Certifiably Inane-ness and Politics since Head-fi has been so fucking anal retentive about it. But considering I pay a good amount of money to subscribe to Head-fi, I can and will use Head-fi resources. Just not recruiting. Never felt the need. I may link an image now and then from the Head-fi photo gallery to use on other forums. So as long as this forum stays crude and silly, I'll be here. -Ed
  14. Fuck. Now I'm going to have to go buy some peanut butter and jelly. First pretzels..... Grocery store closes in 10 minutes. Fuck it. But I'm going to have that damn song in my head tomorrow... -Ed
  15. Well fuck me. I'm all out of pretzels. Hmmm. Time to make a trip to Trader Joes.... At least I got to have a Wetzels at the OHare Airport. -Ed
  16. If I'm shittin on a public potty, I prefer oval with open end. Don't want the penis touching the seat. -Ed
  17. Wheeeeee. -Ed
  18. As long as he's not a mod and I can add him to my ignore list. I finally got to add him to my ignore list on Head-fi. -Ed
  19. Can we have Spoiler Tags? I like that we have strikethrough. But would be a nice addition. -Ed
  20. I like to eat fish tacos. But I still won't eat a dirty dirty churros. -Ed
  21. LOL, this is fucking great. Threads like this is what will keep HeadCase alive and well. No worries, Dusty. Pretzel fad will fade with time, and we'll find something else fun. -Ed
  22. Great. Rick has already "voluntarily" left before, only to return. Oh, well, like I said, enjoy it while it lasts. But seeing as how he can still post, he can still nonsensically berate people as usual. Except this time, you can add him to your ignore list. And doesn't it usually stay in the ignore list with PHP even when he becomes a mod again later, as long as you added him in the ignore list when he is a standard member? -Ed
  23. I wasn't around during the Apheared days, was he really that crazy? Worse than Rick? Or just more rumor mill gossip? -Ed
  24. How long is this contest going to run? I'm waiting for my Cintiq to come back from Wacom. Sent it out for repairs, so I'm a bit hobbled right now. -Ed
  25. You sure about this? Because Rick has voluntarily stepped down before, only to return later. -Ed
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