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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Edwood

  1. I'm a fan of tequila myself. I'm sure the mods here won't mind my getting plastered on Patron so much as on a certain other forum....
  2. Yeah, I have the Elite, but not all components are available in black. Namely the HD-DVD drive. So it's more of an Oreo 360 themed system for me now. Although they do sell vinyl sticker kits to match the Elite's color. -Ed
  3. I had a neighbor once that roasted coffee in an popcorn air popper. It was beyond obnoxious, smelled really bad, and smoke everywhere. He kept burning the ghit out of the beans. Hmmmmm. That gives me an idea. I do have a bunch of smoking neighbors that would be really annoyed by burning coffee beans on my balcony... >
  4. 360, but for weak sauce gamers, I'd say, get a PS3. So, get a PS3.
  5. Head-Fi Reloaded. Do not want.
  6. Must have been fun listening to headphones with speakers blaring.
  7. Post here, you lazy bitches. http://www.head-case.org/index.php/topic,2505.0.html
  8. Strobe sounds like a good idea. I would use the motion sensitive sprinkler, but I have no water outlet on my balcony (I'm on the upper floor). Of course there is the issue of getting strobed every time I come home, especially at night.
  9. Repellants like liquids and granules/powders never worked for me. And they don't fall under the revenge category.
  10. The hot sauce idea sounds perfect, except it would end getting walked through and tracked into my place. Perhaps I can put the chair towards the back of the balcony and put a hot sauce moat around it. Any recommendations for the cheapest hottest sauce out there?
  11. I like it. But something cheaper and less messy.
  12. Neighbor's cats pee on my balcony and furniture all the time. This time, my wife accidentally left the nice canvas and wood folding chair on the balcony and a cat snuck up and peed all over it. So, I'm thinking, leaving out hot dog bits with ExLax hidden in it... Something similar to the squirrel catapult... Any other ideas? The crueler, the better. And preferrably non-lethal and quasi-legal.
  13. NSFW image of poo
  14. To all new members:
  15. Listen to them really really loud. They'll sound better that way. Don't worry, the pain will subside.
  16. Actually, dipshit.. you should get an iPhone next, and buy into getting a new product every season like getting new clothes following fellow fashion lemmings.
  17. Congratulations on finally catching up to the 20th century and having a phone for more than 6 months.
  18. All due to the long ass Head-Fi outtage, no doubt.
  19. Happy Birthday, Billy! Have a nice cigar in the hot tub.
  20. There's quite possibly the best head to head review I've seen here: http://www.wmexperts.com/reviews/smackdowns/htc_touch_vs_iphone_part_2_vid.html HTC Touch vs. iPhone. Too bad they didn't compare the Sprint Touch which has faster CPU and Data connection than the GSM version.
  21. My Dad's Treo 650 (GSM) had nothing but problems. Phone locked up all the time. Besides, the only Palm I'd consider would be the 755, but the Palm OS is a dead end. It's too bad, I used a Palm all the way back since the original Palm Pilot. The only real competitor with a future to Windows Mobile is the Google Android, but it's nothing but vaporware now. We'll see. -Ed
  22. Until now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=270187476795&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=017 Seller hasn't responded to my question about what the serial number is, and the fact that he probably stole those pics. Unless he happens to be a Head-Fi member. Given the fact that the bidders list is private, smells like a scam to me. Might as well be payment only by Western Union.
  23. Well, fuck me in the ass. Sprint won't let me get the HTC Touch. They will only exchange for the 6800 Mogul, which is considered a direct replacement for th 6700 since it's been discontinued. Despite the HTC Touch actually being a cheaper product, they wouldn't let me exchange for a lower end item. So I guess I'll have to just buy a Touch on eBay and sell the 6800 on eBay as well. Fucking retarded.
  24. My daughter as she dumps a steamy load into her diapers.
  25. I'd say at least another week to pull some kind of forensic miracle to recover and rebuild the most current database. If we go back to 2006, Head-Fi will be back up by Sunday night.
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