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Everything posted by Edwood

  1. Hmmm. True. I have a couple of dry erase markers. And a couple of sharpies, if I'm trying them out in the store....
  2. There are tons of free copies of Photoshop Elements freely available. And it's a great gateway drug into the real Photoshop. Now as for Gimp. Well, it's an aptly named gimped program. Well, you do get what you pay for.
  3. Meh. Can't draw directly on any of those screens.
  4. Hmmmm. Back up for me now. Could this be a warning of another crash?
  5. Just got a Sprint HTC Touch phone. Now if I post a pic of it here with Head-Fi on the screen, will this post get deleted?
  6. Still down. Oh Boy.
  7. My baby as she shits her diapers again. Weeee, time to go change it......
  8. Another reason to go vegan. No. Fuck that. You're an assfacehole for losing so much meat.
  9. I was calling Skyline cheap shit food, assfacehole. Unless you consider Skyline's fine dining. It's too bad the Maisonette closed down.
  10. For fucks sake, we need a Pretzel and Churro smilies. If BlessingX doesn't make one, I guess I'll have to. :pretzel:
  11. ROFLMFOA! This is why I still check out Head-Case.
  12. No shit. I can easily double that cost at a semi fancy restaurant dinner for two here in LA. Funny, when I visit Cincy, I'm all about the cheap shit food. Mmmmmm. Skyline........ Speaking of which, I still have a can of the evil stuff in my cupboard. Funny that I can get a brick of Kroger's mild cheddar in California since the grocery chain Ralph's is the same company as Kroger's.
  13. Head-case looked like a place for all the whiny bitches to hang out. Looked like fun, I thought. And hey. It is.
  14. My sig has the only gear I have that is not allowed on Head-Fi.
  15. Jabra BT8010 to go with my new phone(s).
  16. Hmmm. Looks like the Touch is on it's way to me afterall....
  17. Maybe if HTC did a better job. It lasted nearly two years at least. I'd still be using my old 6700 if I could. But Oh well. Using the 6700 as a modem was so much easier.
  18. I love Picsel Browser.
  19. Sprint decided for me. I'm going to give the Touch a try, but as it stands, the 6800 Mogul is not crapping out on me like many other people are complaining about. It's been very rock solid and I've slowly been installing apps one at a time to see if they cause problems. So far no problems. -Ed
  20. you guys are all Assfaceholes!
  21. Nope, posting drunk was due to my drinking excessively due to my wife being a royal bitch.
  22. UI mitght pick this one up gor the 360. But only afer I've finished with Mas eeefectl. I love that fuckinggg game. Mass erect ruls...x!!!
  23. Edwood

    Mass Effect

    LOL, speking of hthe game. a little bit of a spoiler ahead, so don't read i fyou fontpn't want it spoiled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jThe mass Effect dveelopers devfintiely believe in Bros before Ho's. LOL.. ... -Ed
  24. happpy fucking birthday.... fuckere. I love tou you.
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