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Everything posted by Edwood

  1. I second Jacob's suggestion. A floor standing unit (where you hook up exhaust hose to the window) was the quietest I've heard of a window / portable unit. Costco used to carry it all the time. They're the ones at the top of the page, with the feature "Library Quiet". http://www.sharpusa.com/ForHome/HomeEnvironment/AirConditioners.aspx?view=browse They're not cheap, though. -Ed
  2. Ain't it the truth.
  3. Call me crazy, but my "transportable" PC audio set up consists of: Laptop --> Halide Bridge --> Coax in - HifiMan HM-801 --> HeadAmp Pico Slim --> JH13's. But that's only if I'm watching movies on my Laptop, otherwise, I just use SD Cards in my HiFiMan. -Ed
  4. Edwood

    Top Gear

    Really disappointed by the past two weeks being nothing but "Best of" rehashes. These better not be cutting into the already incredibly short seasons.
  5. How dare they name infringe and soil our forum's name! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jimlclark/unruly-headcase-headgear-cases-for-gopro -Ed
  6. Pulled yet another all-nighter for multiple jobs for multiple clients. OK, time for a combat nap, and then back to work. Ugh...
  7. Pics from last night's Pulled Pork. Cooked two side by side. Got the temps really stable this time, rock solid 225F for 19 hours. The smaller butt (pictured above) finished earlier and was considerably more tender than the slightly larger one. For BBQ'ing I'd definitely say that Butts definitely have the biggest payoff for the amount of work put in. The Keg and temp controller makes it a nice leisurely grill as well. Start it up the night before, and it's ready for dinner the next day. Not to mention the large amount of leftovers and Pork Shoulder is quite cheap per pound relative to other meats. I'm just finished eating some left overs. -Ed
  8. Cookie Dough ribs? Somehow a cookie crust on ribs sounds delicious. LOL, I use an old Vornado Fan to blow the smoke from my keg. -Ed
  9. Edwood

    Top Gear

    Ever been to Mexico?
  10. Edwood

    Top Gear

    Good to see another pure cocking about sequence. Richard's gasoline powered Half Track mobilty scooter was hilarious. That and the Fisker was neat. Well, if you're rich that is. Pretty much what the Volt wanted to be, but couldn't. (although you could buy almost 3 Volts for the price)
  11. Thanks, everyone. Been a very busy work week. Still working in fact. Going to take the day off on Saturday to get shit faced with some fine brewskies. So sick ..........of.........painting.........Barbies..............ugh............ -Ed
  12. Edwood

    Top Gear

    The 3rd Episode was OK. Although the Movie Stunt thing was the funniest when they reviewed the 2nd to last edit of their footage.
  13. Peanut butter and bacon. LOL, awesome! Just had some bacon for dinner tonight. Mmmmm.
  14. Utter bullshit. Nothing kills the pancreas faster than a high carb and sugar loaded diet. Hello, type 2 diabetes!
  15. Well, now I've done it. Preordered the Fuji X-Pro 1 and 35mm f/1.4 lens. Been quite pissed at Sony's utter lack of decent E-Mount lens choices. So bye bye to Sony NEX system for me.
  16. Edwood

    Top Gear

    Really too bad that Top Gear DVD and BluRay releases for the USA are completely cocked up. Thank goodness for Dem*n**d. >
  17. Also experimented with making "Montgomery Inn" Style Sauce. Not 100% like the real stuff, but I really like it. Would not have guessed that Tarragon was the "secret" ingredient. The ingredients list shows Tamarind on the bottle, will have to try adding some of that one as well next time.
  18. Cooked up two Butts side by side this time. 14 lbs of Pork Goodness.
  19. Mmmmm. Lobster. It's too bad the Missus is allergic to seafood. The Keg gets no seafood lovin.
  20. Got a Butt on the Keg now. About 21 hrs into it, currently at 189F. Just about ready to check for doneness with the fork twist test. Keg Smokin. Butt Almost Done. Going to have a New Years Eve BBQ feast soon. With lots of fine Russian River drinks as well.. Mmmmmmm.
  21. Better than Champagne! Can't wait to pop them! (a little less than 5 and half hrs to go).
  22. Have any of you tried injecting instead of wet brining? http://www.amazingribs.com/recipes/rubs_pastes_marinades_and_brines/zen_of_injecting_meat_and_meat_injections.html Wet brining is such a PITA to do and wasteful. Injecting sounds interesting, and seems just so wrong it's right.
  23. Also finished another rib cook today. Pretty much have it down. This time I kept it at a steady 225F for the entire cook. The bark got too thick and bitter, so I went easy on the final sauce glaze, and did not increase the temps at the end. Total cook time was 7 hours. Found the sweet spot.
  24. Well, I had a "brilliant" idea of brining turkey breasts in the crisper drawer in my fridge. But since the defrost timer had broken recently, a lot of moisture evaporated and completely iced up the evaporator coils in the freezer section. So I had to open up the freezer back panel yet again, and melt it with a heat gun. So, Brining bags will be up next for the next time I do turkey. Will use a LOT less brine and keep the moisture out of the fridge. Otherwise the turkey turned out great, and I made gravy from scratch this time from the drippings and such. Mmmmmm. Gravy. I actually liked the gravy more than turkey, but I'm just not a huge fan of turkey. My wife and daughter love turkey though. For me, turkey is just an excuse to have gravy.
  25. Well, looks like we're going to be grilling a LOT more stuff since the heating element in our oven decided to spark out into an thermite-like reaction exactly like this video. Was reheating something at a very low temperature, and I guess it shorted out. Turning off the oven via the dial did not do a thing, only way to completely kill it, was to turn off the 220V breakers to it, since it's must have still been supplying power to it. (or yank the power cord, but I wasn't about to move that thing while it was a giant 4th of July sparkler. Hopefully it's just a dead heating coil. Ugh. Seems every single kitchen appliance is dying at once. First the dishwasher, then the fridge's defrost timer/heater is out so it frosts over now, and now the oven decided to give us a fireworks show. -Ed
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