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Everything posted by pedefede

  1. OK - got most of the parts finally ... so soldering has finally begun !! (It will probably last long, as im building at least 5 projects simultaniously....) I noticed Inu "lifted" a lot of components .. especially the zeners and diodes - while Kevin mounts most components on the PCB surface. I suppose its probably a heat issue. But (besides its easier), the PCB also holds a groundplane to shield some noise ... So is there any reason to lift other than the power-resistors? peter
  2. I found a nice way to get the stuff from McMaster, that i want to share. I made a US-address at www.nybox.com, where McMaster did want to ship. I also shipped order from future eletronics, and partsconnexion to the nybox-address. Nybox then put all 3 packages into 1, and shipped it to me B) So i only had to pay 1 oversee-shipment+toll!!! So building process starts tomorrow. I will wait with the last small order from Banzaieffects, - since there will probably turn some little forgotten/broken part up, during the proces. Peter
  3. You can try Partsconnexion: DIODES-64784 is similar: IXYS 12A 1000V Ultrafast, Soft Recovery (FRED) Epitaxial Diode (trr = 50 ns; TO-220AC package DSEI12-10A, 2.95$ I finally put together an order for screws at McMaster ... but even though i was able to make an acount, they are not willing to ship oversee "Due to the complexity of U.S. Export regulations, McMaster-Carr has decided to only accept orders from a few, long-established customers of ours overseas" Does any US/canadian etc. want to help me: buy the stuff and mail it to me, and get pay'd through paypal? I have a excel-sheet (BOM) that can make the order in 2 sec. Peter
  4. On the Latest schematic for the PS, there are two types of 0,1uf Caps: C26-29 for decoupling the 100uF caps (before ref102) (these seems to be located on the PCB between the ref102 and op27) C30-33 between the 2sc3675 and op27 These seems to be added later on. - And i cant find any spot for them on the PCB ?!? - Nor are they meantioned in the BOM ?!? Anyone got an explanation?
  5. I am about to order the very last parts soon (trafo, screws, etc) - whenever i get the time (you know ... kids & work ). I also have a DAC-build pending - but some time soon, i might join you in the buildingproces as well peter
  6. Hi All If others europeans also are sourcing parts - I can recommend to also look at the danish site: PC ELEKTRONIK (Site is in danish, but send an email ... or use "s
  7. also a question about interpreting these (american?) Screw dimensions. The BOM says: "#5-40/.25 hex cap" Is that M5 thick / 40 mm long / 0,25 inches hexogonal hole?
  8. Thanks for the picture, spitzer. Agreed - it can be done with MUCH more quality/stability, shorter wire etc. But im talking about the principle ... and on the other picture: ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting you join/stack 2 components as well - soldering the leads together. Not very different from twisting. I can fit them in the 1w / 3w resistor positions. But it is in the
  9. How excactly do you form them?
  10. At the risk of being totally flamed ... :chair: I know that "solution" 1) and 2) are bad - as stated in my post. But I dont think, that my prefered solution no. 3) is NOT sooooo bad, "double-ass" compromising, vasting the project. In 4 locations, I would use solutions, which are wellknown technics used in p2p projects in other tubeamps, that also show caracteristics of heat, highvoltage, etc. As an example - here is a picture from the audionote L3 phono preamp kit (from Mostly Audio - Building an Audio Note L3 Phono Stage Kit). Notice the twisted wires on the mica-caps: http://www.mostlyaudio.com/_images/Builds/L3Phono/pb_2hour007.jpg So at the cost of a little extra time, an extra solderjoint, and practically the same mechanical stability - i get to use a better sounding resistor, with higher voltage and heat ratings. In the end, - this has to be a project of years to come. For me personally, that includes listening to the music - instead of thinking about that cheap magnetic resistor i put in the signal path.
  11. Finally got my cabinet from the danish custom service - It looks very cool, thanks Kevin I allready had to buy the bunch of shinkohs from PCX, before the cabinet arrived (as I wanted to use the 20% november-discount). I had to do some tweaking, to source the right values. For instance - i bought 2W versions at some locations where
  12. OK, leaving resistors aside ... Are there any of the transistors, IC or diodes, that also can be upgraded, or exist in a better version, than on the BOM ?
  13. Hmm .. i tested yesterday with a magnet. - Audionote 2w = magnetic - shinkoh
  14. The original T2 har xicon resistors - however quite a few have chosen other/better parts. It would be quite interesting to hear other peoples sound review/feedback/impressions, of their new amp - combined with their choice of combonents.
  15. hmm, got to select/source parts now ... As I mainly have my experience from normal pure tube speaker-amps, I would really appreciate some hints/comments, to my current ideas: (SS - decition seems easy, "just" have to find the piece (bdent, future, allied, ebay) ). By the way - does any of the transistors need to be matched? (or just find close pairs for +/- part of the circuit) caps - not a lot. Silver mica on small, PP on the rest - except PSU. Anyone tried bypassing the 680uF with say 1uF film caps? Resistors .. wow, a lot. Of cause i can do like Spitzers suggestion (mainly good bang/bucks PRP). But i would like to add GOOOOD resistors (whipe drooling) to the critical positions - but where is that? - My guess: is around the input/output parts, i.e. mainly the tubes. Like R 94/95, 7/8, 78/79, 96/97 ??! (anybody know the voltage limit of tantalium resistors (Shinkoh, Audionote) btw ... Partsconnexion has 20% discount for the rest of the week ... (damn, more drool) Peter
  16. hmm ... looking for the ultimate amp for my stax, and this seems to be the winner for a lot of years to come, so ... my wife will hate me but.... i would like to buy the chassis+boards, if its still available. peter
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