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About renlute

  • Birthday 10/15/1944

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  1. "Koss embezzler Sachdeva checks into Connecticut prison" Feb. 1, 2011 Former Koss Corp. executive Sujata "Sue" Sachdeva checked into the Federal Correctional Institution at Danbury, Conn., Tuesday afternoon to start serving her 11-year sentence for embezzling $34 million from her employer. http://www.jsonline.com/business/115036509.html "Koss reports higher sales, profits" Jan. 20, 2011 Koss Corp., the stereo headphone manufacturer that is recovering from an embezzlement scandal, reported higher sales and profit for the quarter that ended in December. http://www.jsonline.com/business/114310744.html
  2. Definitely a great meet, and a credit to CEE TEE's organizational skills. I didn't do much to organize beyond dispensing well-meaning advice here and there -- he did all the heavy lifting. I'm relieved that enough people showed up and also bought raffle tickets that we finished in the black, and had money left over both for the down payment for the next meet and a charity donation (as I understand from CEE TEE). Downside was that all the people were chatting loudly in the background (I'm guilty also), which interfered with concentrated listening to open cans. Highlights for me were extended conversations with Frank Cooter, Mike and Jason of Schiit Audio, meeting a few other folks with whom I will likely get together in future, and my first listen to some old K340s. I've already ordered a pair to investigate further. Ah, and thanks again to Ti Kan for explaining how to wire my new DIY amp (not one of his own products, which probably have better assembly instructions). Now if only the new DIY amp has the nards to push the K340, as allegedly it does.
  3. Actually CEE TEE, being a noob at headphone events, is still debating exactly how to handle the financial aspects. How does the organizer ensure that he will not lose money in addition to all the time he invested, but also not make an embarrassingly large profit if all goes too well? All seems to be going well so far in terms of projected attendance, as well as raffle donations that have been offered recently. However, I wrote him earlier this evening that I personally would rather deal with the agony of deciding what to do with a surplus than the agony of losing several hundred dollars that would be better spent on a new Schiit amplifier or the like. How much does a raffle usually generate in a meet this size? I haven't the foggiest. But even if a raffle is the choice, then those who buy raffle tickets are paying the entrance fee for a lot of people who don't, and few will win the prizes. $10-20 at the door is dirt cheap for the opportunity to listen to so much top gear for eight hours, and to talk to so many people who know way more than I do about these toys. Thanks again to Filburt, incidentally, who loaned me his K701 and gave advice at the meet last year, since after hearing it I bought a K702. That's the kind of listening and learning experience that the meets are designed for -- and they're worth paying a nominal fee. If some veterans of several local or regional meets of this magnitude could weigh in with advice via PM or otherwise, I can assure you that CEE TEE is very receptive to hearing whatever he might learn from history lessons. Random thoughts on what to do with a surplus: distribute it among the vendors, particularly the raffle donors; buy drinks and appetizers at Max's for everybody from the group who shows up (bad idea--I probably have to leave early, LOL); send a scout to the liquor store to acquire some hooch, making sure to get some 1983 or 1977 port also, not just single malt; reward the hard-working organizer with a new toy from one of the vendors; donate to head-fi Central; ... other?
  4. I probably exemplify the depths to which head-fi has sunk. I’ve been active behind the scenes and in the thread, helping CEE TEE organize the upcoming meet. He has never attended a headphone meet, and I’ve only been to one big or medium-sized one, the one that Al quite capably organized last year. But I don’t quite follow how this year’s HF event is so deplorable, even before it has happened. I don’t claim to know a lot about cans or especially electronics, and don’t care to make headphones my hobby. I am a classically trained arts professional with advanced degrees in music, so for me these are tools, not an end in themselves. They need to be good enough, and appropriate to my purposes in using them. The variety of products is overwhelming, and prices are spread over a very broad spectrum, so I like to read and compare. Forums and particularly meets like those HF hosts are useful ways to inform myself about the options and range of quality in amps, dacs, phones and associated gear. I thought that was the whole idea. CEE TEE has generated a lot of eager anticipation, judging from comments on the thread. Maybe it’s the wrong people? But look at the vendor list he’s compiled, some of the more interesting and respected in the biz. For a noob organizing a regional meet anticipating as many as a hundred (or more?) attendees, it seems to me that CEE TEE has done a remarkable job. We’ll know for sure next weekend.
  5. Thanks to Icarium for hosting a great meet on Saturday, with a small but select batch of audiophiles and gear. And thanks to Craig for bringing some of his product line. I was able to spend some time comparing an HD800 with my K702 on his pre-release Eddie Current Balancing Act. I doubt that recorded Bach organ works can sound better than this. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3823[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3822[/ATTACH] Craig and his new baby. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3825[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3824[/ATTACH] Our host and the Eddie Current Zana Deux. Woo Audio amp and other gear I wish I could afford. I also compared a K701 with my K702, and noticed that the notorious headband bumps are not the same. They are narrower and harder on the 702, wider, softer, and not so deep on the 701. Much more comfy on the latter. I have to wrap the K702 headband with a foam-padded sock to cushion it, or I can't wear the phones longer than about an hour. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3827[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3826[/ATTACH] Above left, top to bottom: Sony Qualia 010; Audio-Technica ATH-AD2000; AKG K702, K701, K601; Audez'e LCD-2. Right, the AKG K70x headbands.
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