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Everything posted by hYdrociTy

  1. http://tinyurl.com/6mzc95
  2. oh snap it does sometimes search and cant find shit and i realized now its bc i use the search without going to the main page
  3. Tree doesn't kill launched jay. Launched jay kills tree.
  4. kum gang san for the really neat and consistently delicious korean foods. and lombardis for the oh-so-yummy pizza that never gets old.
  5. Even the name sounds fast and homicidal.
  6. hahaha ok you guise caught me. cheap balanced ftw. I'll have phase inverted in one bithead and have software to pipe audio out to multiple devices simultaneously. The joy of osx.
  7. 2006. The original owner said this one was ordered in 2007. I also talked to Mike from Headroom and they are hooking me up with another clear total bithead; the unit was the last clear one ever made and the customer returned it to them.
  8. Make babies.
  10. The Phantom power cord for heavy duty diy valve amplifiers. -8 Gauge high voltage conductors, deep freeze treated -Dark Matter insulation -Non Proprietary Geometry -OH YEA! E-DAY Connectors -Blue Hue to match painters tape on amp
  11. SR71 is the best amp ever dont believe anyone here it is Dual Mono High Resoluction Class A Headphone Amp by Ray Samuels Audio 6moons say it's a class a power amp in your pocket i agree it is. It has tremendous ease and backgrounds so black that it would make token jealous. The price of 400 dollars is such a bargain and the price you paid for it from booom is probably rock bottom. She uses it with high end cans and has burned it in thoroughly with her lecter sources if it can be enjoyable witrh an SONY R10 then it is reference grade imho. If boomana who finds portables disturbing can hail this amp then you know its good it is on par with home amps because it uses 2x9 volts think about it a 9 volt battery is like 4 bucks so if you have to pay 8 bucks to listen to it you know it is high voltage home amp capabilities just like when you compare a honda civic hybrid's 53 dolalr gas fillup money to an caddilac escalade's $104 dollar you know the 'scalade is more comfy and can tow a boat and is mad gansta while the civic is a rice rocket for suicidal college kids. THe pico is like a honda civic while the EMMELINE SR71 is like a escalade with 30" rims and has leather seats and a big sounds system to enjoy with the neighborhood. Don't sell the SR71 just look at how good it is this guys paying 500 for it.
  12. I listened to both the 4g imod and a 5.5g imod with a nice alo imod dock and neither gave me much of a first impression. I've owned the 4g regular ipod ever since they came out and have listened via the dock with an assortment of high end portable amps, and when I demo'd the imod it left me wanting. On the other hand, the pico shocked me on first listen with er-4s and even though $500 is a lot of money I instantly felt it was more than justified. Second and third listening sessions afterwards with full sized headphones confirmed those thoughts. Buy the pico. Oh by the way I compared the pico to the predator too with full sized cans and I wouldn't even consider the predator. sound quality wise with er-4s, hd580, and k501, I would rank predator < 4g imod < 5.5g imod < pico
  14. ME <(^o^)> INCOMING GROUP HUG!!! . . . . . . . . (>'(>'(>`(>*-(>T-T(x_x)'<)'<)'o'<)*<)'<)
  15. x2 If you have a shuffle, the pk1 will sound great with it too, and then maybe if you feel like getting an amp later then it will stay with you whereas the pk2 is too sensitive for amping imo.
  16. a giant bag of polystyrene cups and a box of aluminum foil for my diy capacitor build.
  17. LOL
  18. If you still have it by the end of july I'll take it.
  19. Have an AURICAP. LOL.
  20. 18 gage or 22 gage?
  21. talk about sharp textured photos
  22. Quality work, and the colours do match.
  23. Nice choice of dac Now go hunt down a DTI Pro32 I would love to find out exactly what it's made of. I only have 3 pairs so sacrificing a piece for autopsy is out of the question
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