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Everything posted by hYdrociTy

  1. hokay
  2. yay i has a two treads. this thing now draws 13 watts. the transformer and iec/switch blah blah is behind the screen out of sight, sandwiched between 2 sheets of ers paper. Bass is much more apparent vs the other power supply, and it now takes up to like 3.5v input without clipping. It is rated 3.7 input to match the dde3 but somehow it just doesn't do it. Maybe when i get a 25va transformer and up the voltage to +-14v it will finally fully take in the disgustingly high output of the dde. It drives K1000's well with the bootlegger psu before so I have lots of hope. I bet the day I power this with a sigma22 I'll finally have a nice compact amp for my future earspeakers...
  3. a fishing rod
  4. I weep for the black glass.
  5. I'm sorry to hear that What exactly is not well about it?
  6. The stock power supply was a piece of shit on any standard. Some retard decided to use a stereo 1/8 plug as a power connector carrying dual supply. Apparently they didn't think people would attach or detach the power supply while it was plugged in the wall. It didn't help that there were no on/off switches anywhere either The basic supply is a +/- 12v dual psu probably around 500ma. I suggest at least 1amp and you can safely go up to +/- 14v on this thing since there was an upgrade psu for it that was +/-14v and 1amp. I would say a nice power supply is two treads and an amveco 62063 transformer. Then you can dial the system from +/-12 to 14v depending on your taste and heatsinking blah blah. the plug is configured as so: tip: positive ring: negative sleeve: ground This tiny amp kicks plenty of ass with a nice power supply and has loads of power ~1 watt output with 1amp psu. Sounds great with K1000. The little amp chassis gets hot as hell though. here is a temporary bootleg rig i built for it. Still slowly saving up for a hammond and some treads...
  8. dew eet.
  9. I bet you know they are stiff and keep their shape, but be careful- they are actually not meant to be morphed more than a few times. Mine finally gave out after maybe one and half years of light use. Both seemed to die at once (the shielding ripped apparently from the inside). I've yet to figure out if the warranty covers this. It is a nice set of wire for good price though and I love them
  10. Thanks for the info. I will get the io then since the input is a great alternative to recording into lappy instead of minidisc. I mainly want this because i only have two usb slots and the cardbus is just free and itching to be filled. As small as the pico is, it is still hanging off a usb cable, and i will only use the er-4s with it so nothing epic is required. Btw just curious, how is it with the 650's?
  11. The 3.0 has 1862 and PMD100. the 1.2 is similar. The other ones are random stuff.. There are also many other dacs and players of yesteryear that have the 1862+pmd100 combo. Good luck with finding any of them though. AUDIO ALCHEMY DDE v1.0 SAA7323GP
  12. I know quite a few of you guys had either at one point, and I wonder what you guys thought about it. First of all, the difference between the two. The dj has line and variable headphone out with the volume knob. The io has line/headphone out and line in. The question is basically about the outputs. The dj headphone out seems like a dedicated headphone thing, while the io seems like it's a combined headphone/line out, BUT the advert claims both have "high quality headphone amps" built in. So I am confused. I have a feeling the only way to settle this is to buy both, listen to them, and then take them apart. I would do all that if anyone is even interestedin something like this, since everyone has Picos. I only have two usb slots so usb dacamps are out of the question. and price range So what an the experiences?
  13. used for 475.chose it over a core2 lenovo unit because i heard they changed the keyboard or something..the new branding and logos just feel bizzare. It's not a thinkpad to me, without the ibm >_<. the machine felt a bit dated, but after a bit of tinkering i realized the seller did something wrong when reformatting and installing because speedstep got stuck on max battery life setting- the processor stayed at 600mhz even when plugged in and running a boinc app. I've got a little app now that lets me run it at 1.5ghz correctly and it's quite nimble now.
  14. thinkpad x41 tablet. does what the $999 cintiq does for cheap, and is a computer too...
  15. i spot a dds pro
  16. I bet they sound like a grado, akg, and stax put together.
  17. By the way Vincent Picholine, $50 gift card, nuff said. ok back to wires..
  19. Jinp's Rockhopper M^3 sounds damn fine. Injured in the line of duty though.
  20. Happy birthday! Multicap RTX, because you're worth it!
  21. That's actually my main plan.
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