I know quite a few of you guys had either at one point, and I wonder what you guys thought about it.
First of all, the difference between the two. The dj has line and variable headphone out with the volume knob. The io has line/headphone out and line in. The question is basically about the outputs. The dj headphone out seems like a dedicated headphone thing, while the io seems like it's a combined headphone/line out, BUT the advert claims both have "high quality headphone amps" built in.
So I am confused. I have a feeling the only way to settle this is to buy both, listen to them, and then take them apart. I would do all that if anyone is even interestedin something like this, since everyone has Picos. I only have two usb slots so usb dacamps are out of the question. and price range
So what an the experiences?