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Everything posted by kunalraiker

  1. My Blue Hawaii came in last week. Performing phenomenally with the Stax SR 007 mk1
  2. Nice brushed aluminium setup. Iam a huge Stax fan too. I have the 007 MK1 and waiting for a new amp. So currently without an amp. Musical bliss the stax, if you do decide to upgrade get a higher end DAC and things will change dramatically.
  3. It's a sorrowful post but hilarious at the same time ?
  4. That seems to be the combo hitting the right sound signature that everyone enjoys generally. The O2 MK1 with Blue Hawaii SE.
  5. So eventually all SR007's and SR009 will develop this channel imbalance? Would that be the case.
  6. Shit, what just happened. Ignore my recommendation, let your ears be the judge. Iam certain they won't lie.
  7. Any decent DAC like the Lampizator or Total DAC.
  8. I thought the amps were aiming different markets.
  9. I just would like to say, got my first Stam setup. Stax SR007 MK1 and SRM 717 Black Model. I got it of a headphone enthusiast who explained to me that even though this setup is not current model, its probably better than current. I hooked it up today and coming from dynamic headphones, this is in a different league. Why did I spend so much time with Dynamic Headphones.
  10. I will post the pictures of my thunderpants-whenever I get them, but seems as this thread has gone a little quiet. Will have to wake it up.
  11. Did you get your thunderpants.
  12. boomana, I don't see you much on head-fi anymore. Whats news.
  13. Has anyone been in contact with Smeggy-lately aka founder of Thunderpants. I need to contact him from some thunder down under mate.
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