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Everything posted by livewire

  1. Thank for posting that Lil Knight. And thanks to Pars for posting the diya alternative a while back when I was building my KGSSHV. I was going through them suckers like water when I was in my "blowing up the psu" stage. he-he! Saved a fist full of bucks then and now while gathering sand for the T2.
  2. Animals, great stuff. Gotta spin me up some pigs on the wing....
  3. @ ab, thanks for chiming in. I like it, season one and the beginning of season two was quite the dramatic rollercoaster. Time to order season three.
  4. Anyone still watching this? Season four is underway, I have not seen it yet - curious to know if the show is still "that good". I'm still playing catch up watching season two on DVD.
  5. livewire

    Stax plug

    Same one. That guy is nucking futz with his prices. $33K for an Orpheus system? Yeah right.
  6. Gonna make for some really nice "stocking stuffers". (although I am hoping y'all get them earlier. Need some decent impressions.)
  7. Hot off the press.
  8. Me likey! WANT! Someday.....
  9. livewire

    Audeze LCD-2

    So how does one build a "beefy crack"?
  10. livewire

    Audeze LCD-2

    QUOTE: "Since it relates to 3 of the last 5 posts, I thought I might break my silence and point out that nwavguy was banned from HF today (http://nwavguy.blogs...i.html#comments) for speaking up about an obvious design defect in one of schiit's amps and then exchanging PM's with kwkarth about it... That guy really is an asshole." Well there you go! The drama never ends. I saw that post this morning, made for an interesting eleven page read. Wavy-gravy was speaking the truth about a vendor/sponsor's product at HF. They will crucify yo ass for that. And then getting up in the face of an admin who thinks he knows it all as well? What do ya think is gonna happen? Of course the useless sack of protoplasm is gonna win. Jude saw to that. At least the OP wasnt chastised, he wasnt combative like the wavy guy was. It was interesting how Schiit handled the whole thing. In the end, they did the right thing and implemented a design change. It's retroactive too, but overseas customers aint too happy about having to ship their schiit back through customs to the Republik of Kaly4nya.
  11. MOAR!!! (impressions please)
  12. 405 Dining. A classic scene from "Carmageddon". Only in La-La-land.
  13. Yes, that will work also.
  14. The 5pf caps can be spec'd for 1KV and work fine. They're listed in a recent KGSSHV BOM and are currently in stock. Mouser p/n is: 75-561R10TCCV50
  15. Awwwww! Ya dont see that every day.
  16. livewire

    Audeze LCD-2

    And let's not forget that he started a "LCD2 Best Music" thread that's also growing like a cancerous wart... I did like his <<expletive deleted>> LCD2 review tho. Was prolly just a cut & paste from the monster thread over there. I'm not gonna read through that quagmire to find out.
  17. I believe they do affect bias as they are in the same locations as the original KGSS amp. These days KG specifies a 2.1 volt red LED in the BOM, sourced from Mouser.
  18. Here. I cant believe you missed it.
  19. I saw that too. I was just going on what KG specified on the BOM. Maybe a mistake lurks here on the gerbers? (or the BOM?) Btw, the Mouser spec'd .22 cap is a CD, not WIMA.
  20. I believe that they are listed in the BOM(s).
  21. Terminal blocks indeed! They sure made my life more bearable during multiple hooking-up/unhooking sessions while testing and rebuilding my KGSSHV over and over. But then YMMV. You may be one of the lucky ones who hooks em up once and is done with it.
  22. See post #954 for the provisional BOM that KG posted. He references Mouser p/n: 5989-1KV0.22-F The datasheet lists 22.5mm for the lead spacing on this part.
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