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High Rollers
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Everything posted by livewire

  1. Classic SM - luv it! The MR vid was a gut-buster, gonna pass it on.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Happy Birthday Sir!
  4. Have you been drinkin? What is a quad amp three? Or didja mean to say there? I been drinkin. Jus strugglin to understan yer cryptic respons.
  5. Yup, prolly to supply 12vdc to the fans, cheap & dirty... That's rilly fucked up, prolly a noisy POS in more ways than one. Let's see, four motors spinning and a fuggin switcher in the back, gotta be good for the noise floor. Pffft! Aint nothing like the whir of an armada of fans in the background of your open headphone music pleasure. Turn up the volume and act like it aint there. Sheesh! What crap. FWIW, to those who may not know - the KGSSHV does not get that hot if one uses the correct heatsinks. It is a fairly cool running amp, fans are total overkill. (and not recommended in any headphone amp)
  6. Wonder what's in store for the other QB? Betcha that knee of his is getting sore...
  7. Dude! Happy Birthday!
  8. livewire

    KONY 2012

    Gonna have a heck of a time splainin them pics to his five year old...
  9. livewire

    KONY 2012

    This is wack! http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2012/mar/16/kony-2012-filmmaker-detained-after-indecent-exposu/ http://www.tmz.com/2012/03/16/jason-russell-video-naked-meltdown-kony/#comments-anchor
  10. Happy B-day!
  11. ^^^ SFB
  12. Dad & Pee-Wee. Good stuff!
  13. Happy B-day Sir!
  14. EL-34 as a triode strapped pentode? Or would that be too noisy? EDIT: Doh! Just checked - 6CA7 = EL34.
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Fuggin awesome!
  17. livewire

    KONY 2012

    I'm in!
  18. Nice lookin box Spritzer!
  19. Happy Bithday to the King of AudioWiki !!!
  20. Happy Birthdiy Nate!
  21. Happy Birhtady Craig!
  22. "Go ask Alice when she's ten feet tall...."
  23. Nice! Dualsport or sumo?
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