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Everything posted by arnaud

  1. Gotcha . Not a native, if that's any excuse...
  2. I listened to er4s/pit for the first time last week at tokyo headphone and realized I could have owned a good / small iem a long time ago. I haven't followed iems much until just very recently (somehow the great inner fidelity article on ciems has got me interested again ) but the er4p sounded just as good if not better than my previous sonys (xba3) and current shure (se315) out of the iphone. It's no jh13 but at the price (was told around 150usd in japan atm) it's a steel! Originally posted here: http://www.head-fi.org/t/663501/tokyo-fujiya-avic-spring-may-2013-impressions#post_9430214
  3. I got to hear the jh13 pro freq phase last week end and discuss it with the man himself, it was something special indeed. I am still looking around atm but the iphone/jh13 combo might be just what I really need besides my home rig. I swore I'd never go custom again after loosing a pair of sensas 2x-s (3 weeks into ownership) and braking 3 other pairs but the jh13 is darn tempting Edit:sp.
  4. Anaxilus, yeah, I have it so bad, I try to log in each and every day, and I cry every time because I was banned, I am missing reading that stuff so much! This is hilarious how far you guys are taking all this
  5. Everyone determines what's neutral or preferable with their own bias and it's ok. But using a criteria such as "gear which doesn't sound good with all the music isn't up to snuff" when you largely favor nasty recordings is missing the point imo. It's like asking for a race car to handle dirt road with pot holes, something's gotta give. I guess it's because people sometimes use the argument the other way around: a really nasty phone that sounds terrible except for specific music genres where the faults happen to not be exacerbeted. I remain convinced that seeking the ultimate listening experience for average recordings is elusive. The one and only phone I've heard to date which can pull it off is the Omega 2mk1, and even then, I still prefer my 009 for any decent recording. The stock HD800 isn't quite forgiving but I would suggest to spend a good time listening to it in stock form before modding because there is a good chance you'll give up something to tame this acoustic resonance. Driving it with reduced damping factor (like a 120z out), certainly changes the voicing. I have magically gained access back the viewing CS so here's a link to marv's measurement: http://www.changstar.com/index.php?topic=90.0
  6. On the topic, I recall seeing some measurements of recent mod that did not only tame the upper mid range peak but also prevent the dip the in response below (3-6kHz if I remember right). Hence seemed quite promising.
  7. Last I read, spirit over there wasn't quite the refreshing kind it used to be, so am not surprised people don't generally want the links here. I for one since I got banned in a click and can't read anyway lol. Best thing that happened to me over that side in retrospect .
  8. Eh, you did not get the memo? The Mytek is supposedly such a piece of junk that your ears will bleed after about 7 seconds, no 5 actually. At least, that's what I read from a high authority on the internet. Could I have been mislead?? For the totalDac, how can it only be 14 bit effective while at the same time having a background noise figures shown here http://www.totaldac.com/D1-single-eng.htm or here http://www.totaldac.com/ready_dac.htm? I have been quite tempted by the D1 (and the MSB Analog actually), but the price is definitely keeping me away from impulse purchase
  9. I may stop reading and start making, but probably not until the kids grow up... Till then, I will leave in my ideal world of computer models where everything is linear and simple . Learning about this stuff from people like is absolutely enlightening, you shouldn't refrain from writing articles, seriously .
  10. In that case, how different is this from bridged amplifiers we see for driving PA systems? Looks the same (but again, what do I know eh )
  11. Birgir, Thanks for the clarification, it was much needed as I did not realize it was two poles connected to each stator without grounding. With the 3 traces at the connectors of the electrode (+,-,DC), it is understandable though (palm). I think I need to read the explenation a few times to fully get it, but that's the same as usual .
  12. Shouldn't it be the capacitance as seen by the amplifier when driving the load? Each amplifier is driving the 1 electrode independently of the other, or so it seems, no? BTW, this is mundane, but while I see the "hot" wire of each amplifier connected to each stator, where does the "ground" wire connect to and is it common to the 2 differential amplifiers? There was a related discussion not so long ago on HF about the influence or not of distortion in the amplifier when driving the electrode in push-pull fashion using differential amps (after birgir's comment that the bhse had a tiny amount of distortion factored in by design). I could not understand why it would cancel out (so much for the efforts from JCX to explain it), but it's probably cause I have no clue how the load looks like from the amplifier side.
  13. Didn't you receive this PM on the 1st of the month? At that level, I can't imagine but someone pulling your leg...
  14. Yes, but at the current pace, we'll be at 200JPY/EUR or 150/USD by the time it comes out so, while I won't be able to afford it, it should be just piece of cake (or two) for you Birgir .
  15. Must resist, must resist ...
  16. I appreciate your feedback and will do for the english bit. The challenge is really for the Japanese translation but it will be good exercise
  17. For those of you who don't read Head-Fi, a visit of / interview at Stax head office is planned for 12/12/12. We're planning to ask 12 questions, challenge is they should be 12 words long. Can you help? More seriously, the date and appointment is real, I am welcoming questions you might want to add to the existing set: http://www.head-fi.org/t/634106/stax-factory-tour-and-interview-in-japan-approved-during-my-trip-to-tokyo-japan-december-6th-to-december-13th-2012/30#post_8899701 Only issue is the time limit, I need to send (a Japanese translated version) of the questions to Stax within the week so, really, ask now or never... Post / PM here is fine if you're afraid to catch a brain cold visiting the other site. Cheers, arnaud
  18. Humm, I have a strange feeling I already read about your rumblings in another world!
  19. Yes however... Not 90. Not 91. Not 92, but yes, you've read it right: replaceable ear pads that provide a snug fit which isolates up to 92.05% of ambient noise. Off to a good start!
  20. Birgir, I had a chat with Stax yesterday about this as part of the fall headphone festival in Tokyo. It was quite an interesting conversation! Basically, Stax isn't a fan of providing alternate voicing options within the same product. For instance, if the feedback loop in the 3rd stage had minimal impact on the sonics, it would defeat the purpose of having a switch there and be a waste of money. From your experience, it obviously has profound effect. If there was to be a profound effect with one scheme sounding much better than the other, they also would be in a delicate situation (for example if it was the feedback version that sounded good, people would question why they had it out as an option and part of a product feature in the past)... I mentioned a scenario like some headphones benefitting from the feedback (such as the Omega 2) while others pair well with the feedback removed (such as 009 assuming this lack of feedback helps to roll off the highs a bit and/or give it more body?). About the issue with consistency, I mentioned that it wouldn't be a first (for instance the ports). But what he mentioned is that if they were to released a product with the feedback loop back in, it would be a new product with only that feature. I can understand where they're coming from. Another interesting discussion (I realize I come across as very rude in Japanese culture but the Stax person was extremely friendly, we meet every 6 months so he's starting to know me anyhow ) was about the voicing of their recent gear. In particular how I fell for the mk1 "evenness" and clean bass after 2 years of owning the mk2.5 and how some people would crave a 009 with a bit thicker membrane (hence a little reduction in the highs). He obviously did not / could not comment but I think Stax is aware of both the praise and the critic of their phones.
  21. contact us: corona in the us. email address provider: 163.com, also born in ca, albeit the chinese part. This site smells like true gold!
  22. That's an excellent idea Birgir! I will talk to them about it later this month at the fujiya festival. They never listen to anyone it seems but it's worth a try .
  23. It did cross my mind actually . Well, I am 5k down with the bhse already so "halte au feu!" (Meaning the credit card is burning enough for now...).
  24. Humm, I'll wait for the BHSE to get here and settle down before I consider this because I still like very much what the stock version is doing with the 009. You even said you preferred the stock version with that can actually if I recall correctly? I may be progressing to the dark side but I am not quite ready to let this stock 727A/009 pairing go
  25. Catscratch, the thing is ...... another reason why I got the mk1 is because I also put my name down for no less than a BHSE . It was about time indeed, but the upgrade bug caught up with me... I figured, with kids growing up, it only is going to get more difficult to afford this stuff so do it while you still can even though spare time is scarce these days... Now comes the wait but I don't particularly mind.
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