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Everything posted by matthewh133

  1. So I can not buy, but get the shovel upgrade from a town called "Butte"? In which country is this located? Thanks mypasswordis
  2. I came here to share with you my successes and you call me a troll? Sir, I am sickened by the verbal bullets you have shot into my heart. For jp11801 who is actually trying to help unlike you HDen, where can I buy said shovel upgrade and how will it affect my current setup?
  3. Thanks guys! I went out and bought the suggested JH13, Koss Cheesephones and the Bostaroo. The Koss Cheesephones sure are something! And the Bostaroo powers them live nothing else!!! My audio rig is complete! Thank you head-case!
  4. I went to the store to purchase a JH13 as you said and this is what I was offered by the friendly store keep: Your suggestion sucks !
  5. I went out to buy a JH13 like you said. The kind man minding the shop offered me this though: He doesn't look like a headphone amplifier.. your suggestion sucks!
  6. Sweet, thanks man. Good suggestion! *punch
  7. Hey guys. Who is the biggest, toughest guy here who I should punch and get beaten up by to fit in and look kool? I got a question for you, as I don't like to take the word of head-fi to be gospel and like to get a variety of opinions from a variety of sources, and it seems people are a bit more straight forward here, which is what I am after. I recently purchased the HD650s and am looking at getting some RS1s in the near future. I am looking for a sexy amp to take hold of these cans reins and take me for a ride I will never forget.. or something. In your wise opinions, what should I be looking at as a match made in heaven for these 2 cans? A few I've been looking at are the Ear+ HD, Burson HA-160 and the WA6. Price range is around $500 new or use, doesn't matter. Music I mainly listen to is indie/rock/ambient/post-rock and a bit of metal. My DAC is an Audio-GD FUN with Earth Opa, like all the kool kids do. Cheers!
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