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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. Revised for exam. Made a 4 pin XLR to minijack adapter. Drank my bodyweight in tea.
  2. Who are you calling an indifferent!?
  3. Looks nicer than the only picture I can see on the site with all of the units.
  4. The only thing I've put on urbandictionary is Old Bean, afaik thats not a phrase that gets used stateside. Donk is like a less common varient on Bonk, as in getting a bonk on the head with a rubber mallet, not as in jumping into bed with a hottie for a quick bonk.
  5. Charmed runs pretty thin by end of season 5. By season 8 its some of the crappest television I've ever sat through.
  6. No gin until after my exam. Then lots.
  7. Time for Orthodome #4
  8. Indeed.
  9. Next one down.
  10. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Achievement Unlocked | Armor Games
  11. I've never denied that I'm a complete and total wab. It's the rest of you that are in denial.
  12. Custom titles are for wabs. -now it seems you've got one-
  13. I nominate Dr Dre, for his contribution to the headphone industry in 2008.
  14. *shrug* Didn't seem worth starting a new thread and this was the most apple-y one on the go.
  15. Yeah the Sennheiser remote control looking thing. It'd be my missing half of the Surrounder Pro setup.
  16. Not with the
  17. BBC NEWS | Technology | Apple's Jobs admits poor health
  18. Duggeh

    slow forum

    I'm assuming thatll be the size of the hole when Yellowstone explodes again.
  19. best delete that on second thought
  20. 2 slices of spicy pizza.
  21. I think that you're linking to an email with a picture in it which is inside an email inbox on a secure login server. Thus you are logged in and can see it, we cannot login and thus cannot.
  22. I'll be sure to get whoever is doing the selling to open up and look for me. I don't know what the (size) measurements of the T50RP driver are but it being square instead of convenient size round like the SFI drivers is a complication enough. I'd want to try getting one into a Goldring housing if at all possible in order to make some balanced as possible comparisons between the drivers themselves once they're all tweaked out under the same circumstances. Got to be circumnaural whatever bodging around gets done. Almost everyone goes for the on-the-ear bodge with their orthos but from the off in my efforts it was something I was determined to avoid. I don't know who has got the one I built into a Stax SR-3N housing now but that one wasn't as good as the Goldring efforts. With your superior bodgering skills you're going to have to make a T50RP Donut at some point in time.
  23. They're both awesome and they're different. Not for me.
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