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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. I tuned out of that thread because it was so far over my head that planes were hitting it and dropping in the Hudson. Does that $300 include a case?
  2. Most IDE drives have an SPDIF output next to the analogue out. You can just use that.
  3. Duggeh

    slow forum

    A rare and elusive Scottish delicacy. I've only had one once after my flatmate bought me one. I did eat it all. You should have seen her face when I put mayonnaise on it.
  4. Alexander Brandon - Deus Ex Soundtrack I really should hunt down copies of some of these game soundtracks on CD.
  5. Put a book underneith.
  6. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Except Knuckledragger gets lulz. Nobody gives a flying fuck about Dleewebb.
  7. How many and what size do you want? PM me.
  8. Duggeh

    slow forum

    I was a Ghostbusters child myself. What is worrying though is that I recognised the kid.
  9. You fall asleep during sex?
  10. Duggeh

    slow forum

    A prize if you noticed why the table fell over the first time that looped. Also. Drag Race Puff Daddy finds a $1 note. Real life GTA4 snuff Dude, no embedded snuff. -- Dusty
  11. ftfy
  12. You need to go a 3 week period listening to only 1.
  13. *pad ignorance*
  14. The difference in the sigma earpads is that they don't have the raised bump behand the bottom of the ear is that right? I've never quite got how that works to create a proper seal. What'd be really pimp is using an 4070 headband instead of a lambda arc of course, but I understand that they are expensive unobtanium.
  15. Ah I see. Yeah I like the idea of wood. Could end up not entirely dissimilar to what Jazz did with his Electrostat 1 and Electrostat 2. I'd want to come up with a finalised shape/size in MDF or pine scrap as well as experimenting with any damping before devoting a shiny shiny job to a man who knows his wood, so its gonna be at probably the summer before anything is set. It'll be fun playing until then though.
  16. Replaced the pics on the server after I borrowed my flatmates camera. The drivers are shorter than the inside of the lambda housing by more than a centimeter and about 1mm wider, thats me remembering from when I had the SR-202, I didn't actually note the measurements. It would work in a lambda housing if I dremeled down the sides I suspect, trouble is getting ahold of a lambda housing of course. The wires feed into the top of the drivers because that's how they're oriented in the Ergo housing.
  17. Its the drivers out of the Precide AMT, lambda pads and an HD201 headband. I wouldn't even think about taking the K1000 apart, I've heard horror stories of trying to get it back together and from a look at an exploded diagram of the headband assembly I can see where they come from.
  18. Rather disfortuitously I only have the webcam in my laptop at this time so this is the best I could do even after cleaning up a bit. Absolutely the biggest most obvious difference in the low end. It now actually has a rounded sound, its no longer that thinly academic, coughing mouse bass, its not turned into a monster or anything, it's never going to I suspect, be capable of that. More importantly, its suddenly a lot more fun and much more enjoyable with my trashy pop music like Eiffel 65! It's also comfier, weight spread over the head and the ears > just the head. There's the loss of that "air" that you have with further from the ear drivers (K1000 effect I'm sure we all know of) but frankly, for my ears, the choice is piss easy, I may not be a classical music buff like Mr Durrenmatt, but I can't believe that he didn't try this sort of design. Then again it's possible that he really didn't and just went with a continuation of the Jecklin Float chassis and the principles behind it because he likes that. Me, I like it this way. These drivers will not be going back in the original housing. Trouble is of course that I cannot leave them as they are. Sellotape and a cut up HD201 do not the best chassis make.
  19. Old Lambda pads in from Fungi. Bastardised closed earspace AMT on head. Interesting change.
  20. Hippitty Burpdai!
  21. Getting used again to what has become an unfamiliar sonic signature. Happens to me all the time because I go through phases with 1 primary headphone.
  22. Yah yah yah. One day, for when I need a second rig. So very pretteh.
  23. Whats the gap between the elastic headband and the arcs on the O2 for you with your big head? I thought I had a big head and I've got issue time to time with it catching.
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