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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. Custom tips for my Ety ER-4. The JH13 denial continues.
  2. Hippitty Burpdai Tyll!
  3. Pint of Lia Fial at my local, which now has wifi. No photo because I don't have a new enough ipOd
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424 Where do you even begin with people who simply do not have any social or moral understanding? The PM needs to dig out the rubber bullets and go hard on these fuckers.
  5. Maroon is never purple.
  6. Thanks Grahame. Good to be edumicated. Not allowed more than one video per post though it seems.
  7. Remember this? The guy who made that, just entered the UK charts with this: -edit- No idea how to make youtube videos actually appear. --edit-- hurrah!
  8. Organising buy now.
  9. Tunnocks caramel wafer.
  10. Just got an ER-4 triple flange stuck in my ear. I can't get it out....
  11. Duggeh


    Sennheiser competition has more than one valid answer. Curious.
  12. This thread has convinced me to recommend the Shures to my cousin. Thank you Head-Case.
  13. Kindle for mums birthday.
  14. Congratulations Jacob, I wish you the very best together. You'll have to be digging out a kilt for the wedding of course
  15. Nobody hurt in the crash, some bloke came out of the junction without stopping and got t-boned. Rush posted that last one when I heard the noise so I missed the other car damage. laxx that's a shitty deal (I see no other damaged cars in frame either), I would not want to have to see the kind of hail which is capable of doing that sort of impact damage. I hope nobody outside was hit.
  16. *CRUNCHTHUD* That'll be a car crash outside my window then.
  17. Wewps. My bad.
  18. Is tapatalk broken now?
  19. Somehow managed to to miss that post first time round Al, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It is one of my absolute favourites from Brewdog (I snaffled 6 of the 150 as soon as I read the description and they were not asking much for it either) When I last spoke to Martin Dickie I asked him directly about Prototype 27, he hinted that he'd like to make more of it but that capacity issues are ruining his scope for more niche brews.
  20. Tea, Earl Grey. Hot.
  21. Duggeh

    Stax plug

    I doubt it. It looks nicer certainly, but then the white teflon ones look even better.
  22. When right clicking on images to save them (slow forum), right clicking brings up the "full size picture display" thing, even when the picture isn't so big it needs to be shrunk down.
  23. Duggeh

    Stax plug

    Real one. Seller might have more, haven't asked. Price isn't cheap. http://www.ebay.co.u...=item45fc2894d4 -edit- He;s also selling an Orpheus key for £80. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/key-Sennheiser-Orpheus-HEV90-no-ED-9001-/300583272168?pt=UK_AudioVisualElectronics_HomeAudioHiFi_Headphones&hash=item45fc28bee8
  24. I'm putting that on my to-do list.
  25. I did, I asked for a Negroni with Cynar in place of the Campari. It was most agreeable indeed. Another twist I like is to use Dubonnet instead of Rosso.
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