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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. Rubbish Masochist.
  2. iVolume all of his music down to 70db?
  3. Masochist.
  4. Duggeh

    slow forum

  5. Hippitty Burpdai!
  6. Hippitty Burpdai Sir!
  7. Duggeh

    slow forum

  8. The famous "water balloon technique".
  9. #11150 I also had to remove the back grille in order to get the front one off (because there was a fair amount of glue holding it on. Putting it back together was 8/10 on the tricky scale, where replacing omega2 pads is a 6.
  10. Inspired by Fitz I opened up my K1000 for a look-see. The insides are not quite the same, as you can see. That very fine wire bridging the posts is odd. Theres also no solder joining the posts to the PCB. The solder points are further apart. Thisll make heating and removing both much trickier.
  11. Ah the woes with foundation in the inherant limitations of internet-based textual intonation transmission.
  12. Outputting to .wav or .flac would be the best flexibility to let people convert to their format of choice if they don't use the dominant one. Lossless WMA is about as popular as .ape in the big scheme these days. I'm very interested because I own a fair few HDCDs but I'd need to be able to work with ALAC.
  13. Yeah. I mean, mainlanders. Pfft. Don't know what they're missing obv.
  14. Information you should have provided along with a direct link in your OP. So don't be sarcastic please.
  15. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Tony-b Machine
  16. Yeah, all face paint should contain sedatives, not just the green.
  17. mmmmmm extra butter.
  18. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Only for the Aberdonians. And the Welsh.
  19. Can we make bets? Old with PCB Old without PCB New with PCB New without PCB Although it'll probably end up being something like "New with old PCB"
  20. I think that its high time I posted some pics of this (high rez pics if you navigate the ftp). This is the completed Orthodome #4. Big kudos to Mr Tice for the awesome housing work and to Mr Maher for the fabby selectable-for-purpose home and portable cables. After they came back I decided I didn't like the really heavy damping they had on them when I sent them out. They're now undamped aside from that which is in effect because of the magnetism of the drivers holding those grilles (and the grille cloth in between). Loving them!
  21. pabbi1!
  22. Duggeh

    slow forum

    I saw that one the other day. All squirrels should be flying ones! This one I loved a lot for some reason.
  23. But you will be able to keep the one you like moar!
  24. Duggeh

    slow forum

    All of us scotsmen have these amazing abilities
  25. Duggeh

    slow forum

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