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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. Almost. I wouldn't have hesitated. Obviously.
  2. Hawt. Moar plz.
  3. That was either very clever or very silly.
  4. You really aren't doing well.
  5. What would your assessment of the B-52 be?
  6. Duggeh

    slow forum

  7. I don't suppose he'd be interested in the Surrounder?
  8. This doesn't load for me in the uk, but if you're in the states and I've got it right, it's awesome. Aqua Teen Hunger Force - The Cow Cheese Injection
  9. Did you finish? Raise any money for charity?
  10. Duggeh has never been to KFC. Is it worth a damn? I like Big Macs. Although the last time I was in any fast food place (Maccy D's, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Wimpy) was November 4th 2007. We don't have Wendys over here. Or In-And-Out-Burger. What are they like?
  11. It jarred my expectations. Actually jarred isn't a strong enough word. Makes it sound like the effect of being brought closer into alignment with a french electronic musician. It raped them senseless. I went in with the quiet expectation of some quite fun fantasy film. Perhaps an amalgamation of Neverending Story and Lion Witch and Wardrobe. I was not expecting a visually disturbing horrorfest (I cannot stand horror films of any kind whatsoever) with some scenes which caused me the greatest discomfort since the little frenchman was electrocuted in The Green Mile. It was like picking a chocolate out of a box, with the expectation of a caramel centre, until the third enthusiastic chew, when you realise that it's honey (I fucking can't stand honey. This actually happened to me once at a dinner and I was so close to immediately heaving up the previous course onto the tabletop and causing secondary splatterings onto the shirts of my fellow diners as well as tertiary projectile semi-digested gravy stains to the floor walls and ceiling that I thought I'd choke trying not to as I pounded out of my seat to get to a sink). Or taking a good satisfying quenching slug of milk and only realising by the post-gulp glugging that it's cheesy or sour. The only reasons I didn't leave were because it was pissing with rain outside and I was into the girl i was sitting next to who'd invited me along in the first place.
  12. Just watched the trailer for "Moon". I haven't seen a film at the cinema since Pans Labyrinth. Which I hated. I'll be seeing this though. No doubt.
  13. Duggeh

    slow forum

    I mean that the last frames of the animation have a "Do not attempt, carried out under controlled environment" type phrase placed centre screen. These frames are deleted from the video you link to. -edit- Further reading shows it's from an advert.
  14. I can concur with that sentiment. Source downgrades after firm establishment of an upgrade are far more glaring to the ear than the difference of the upgrade in the first place.
  15. Duggeh

    slow forum

    It's only a shame that the springboard one is staged.
  16. Duggeh

    slow forum

    I love Sequential Art.
  17. It's a nice piece of woodwork, but I think it looks daft personally.
  18. So do I. Perhaps the context of that sentence isn't entirely clear.
  19. The LE1 is just the bastard child of an ESL57 and an iMac!
  20. The ESL57 belongs in bronze, or champagne. Who ever heard of a black radiator?
  21. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Odd looking biscuit though. Looks like a small scone.
  22. Lack of low end, most usually by means of some kind of significant roll-off leads to a psychoacoustic presentation which, inevitiably, is more treble biased (unless the treble is also rolled off). High amounts of treble energy is readily percived as a quality of higher detail level articulation or as a more rapid transient response rate. While these qualities are not incompatible with or antirequisate to a presentation that is bass-light, one does not in inherantly beget another. Realism is detail, detail is realism, real life doesn't go "wham wham wham" in the bass. Thus rolled off bass is realistic to those same ears.
  23. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Needs a sausage flake.
  24. If the 404-LE cable is better than the standard 404/007 cable, should we take bets on how long it is before our beloved Icelandic loony puts it on his 007? Stax were obviously thinking future cable upgrades for the SR-Omega, odd that didn't carry over to the O2.
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