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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. I was going to say "more practical, less aspirational" but then we're talking about a pretty expensive amp, I suppose if you can pring for the BHSE, you could spring for an HE90.
  2. All is revealed. Does Justin do a normal bias socket as an option instead of the HE90 one?
  3. If they have Stax male and Stax male at one end and Stax female at the other, what is the prescribed application? Leach bias from one amp and drive with another? What would be the point?
  4. Duggeh

    slow forum

    I cannot fucking wait for the eps to appear on my flatmates fileserver.
  5. If as Wikipedia says, a US quarter coin is 24.26mm in diameter, then using the mathematical exactitude of guesswork in shrink % and holding a ruler up to my monitor this is the actual size of the unit: Which is
  6. Duggeh

    slow forum

  7. Very very slick indeed.
  8. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Equally lame attempt to irritate the scotsman.
  9. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Irn Bru adverts have always been really good. That one is weak tbh.
  10. Fortuitously, I shall not be subject to concordance with this farce should its implimentation be successful, you bunch of useless fucking n00bs )
  11. Duggeh

    slow forum

    I thought that what I was looking at was that there was a Nazi soldier at the back. Thinking this couldn't be the illusion I had to google to find out it's the "horns".
  12. Hippitty Burpdai Squire!
  13. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Found it. Morning Glory Comics
  14. Duggeh

    slow forum

    There was an abusive dad webcomic i remember I laughed hard at. Forget the name.
  15. Duggeh

    slow forum

    First one is "eat your soup". The second one is just plain daft. Theres a selection of suitable links at http://www.meatspinnetwork.com/
  16. Duggeh has never had his Black Dragon scratch him. Will require a loan of Qualia to confirm testing is fair.
  17. I'm sure he has the picture in 1600x1200 too.
  18. Duggeh

    slow forum

    The only shock site which actually got a visceral reaction out of me was 1 guy 1 jar, LINK OBVIOUSLY NSFW. There was one other one which I thought, like the above, to be a step beyond the usual grade of horrible, but I can't remember the name. -found it- OBVIOUSLY NSFW
  19. First thing I've read about their connectors not behaving. What's wrong with them?
  20. I think I dropped out something like that the day after the last big curry I had.
  21. Most awesome thread evar. Is there a discount for forum members?
  22. Duggeh

    slow forum

  23. Ah, someone who, like Maddox, used to be a funny bastard and is now just a wankstain.
  24. I can remember when I got my first Raptor. It was so nice, that "snappiness". Marvellous. Regular hard drives, Windows Vista, Deus Ex: Invisible War - Things ruined by sluggishness of one kind or another.
  25. Burpitty Hippdai!
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